Watch Two New Star Fox Zero Video Clips

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.11.2015 30

Watch Two New Star Fox Zero Video Clips on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Japanese Star Fox Zero website has gone live with a pair of new videos of the upcoming Wii U shooter.

Fox McCloud and his band of space pilots once again saddle up and venture through the deepest galaxies to stop the baddies from doing whatever it is they're doing.

The first of two new snippets from Star Fox Zero has Fox blasting through collapsing space structures, evading enemies through a barren snowscape and piloting a drone through a tricky water cavern. 


The second showcases just how the GamePad works in motion, with players able to get their fur on, stepping into Fox McCloud's cockpit and blast away.


The game soars into stores on 22nd April on Wii U. Missed last week's striking new Nintendo Direct trailer? Here it is again:


What are your thoughts on Star Fox Zero so far?

Box art for Star Fox Zero

Arc System Works


Arc System Works





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Yeah, keep forgetting flicking between looking at gamepad and TV is a thing with this game. I had to deal with it for Affordable Space Adventures and it was just a nightmare for my neck muscles. Even if it does prove to be accurate enough to shoot bad guys, that alone is unattractive. Everything about forced gamepad and looking back and forth is unappealing for me and not how I envisioned playing my next SF game after all these years.

They should have had two modes: Classic and co-op, with a second player handling the aiming on the GamePad (the first person using a Pro controller)

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer else can you play WiiU or use a phone or tablet without forcing your neck in some uncomfortable position? Like those other electronics or toys even it's not advisable to use them for hours on end, I can't see how this game is any different.

It feels to me like people are knocking controls they never tried, just because they're too different to how they always played this game. If you're not interested, thats fine, but these objections are getting quite silly I must say.

Definitely not interested because it's using a setup I've never enjoyed. Can't deny the option to please both crowds is not viable, so of course people are gonna be upset about it. Legitimate to complain about it. We'll see how it turns out in April.

, said: else can you play WiiU or use a phone or tablet without forcing your neck in some uncomfortable position? Like those other electronics or toys even it's not advisable to use them for hours on end, I can't see how this game is any different.

It feels to me like people are knocking controls they never tried, just because they're too different to how they always played this game. If you're not interested, thats fine, but these objections are getting quite silly I must say.

to be fair dot people have answered your questions with valid points and non of the so called "knocks" have been silly. if capcom turned around and said they are releasing a new streetfighter for wiiu with gamepad controls that required u to touch moves from a moves list rather than execute them would u need to play it to know the games not for u? 

any way we will see. 

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