Watch Two New Star Fox Zero Video Clips

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.11.2015 30

Watch Two New Star Fox Zero Video Clips on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Japanese Star Fox Zero website has gone live with a pair of new videos of the upcoming Wii U shooter.

Fox McCloud and his band of space pilots once again saddle up and venture through the deepest galaxies to stop the baddies from doing whatever it is they're doing.

The first of two new snippets from Star Fox Zero has Fox blasting through collapsing space structures, evading enemies through a barren snowscape and piloting a drone through a tricky water cavern. 


The second showcases just how the GamePad works in motion, with players able to get their fur on, stepping into Fox McCloud's cockpit and blast away.


The game soars into stores on 22nd April on Wii U. Missed last week's striking new Nintendo Direct trailer? Here it is again:


What are your thoughts on Star Fox Zero so far?

Box art for Star Fox Zero

Arc System Works


Arc System Works





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I don't know about the rest of you, but I am still completely unimpressed by this. The trailers and gameplay look so uninspired. I want to be excited, but my brain just won't let it happen.

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

Check some comments on previous SFZ articles. You definitely aren't the only one.

They are releasing trailers of this game like it's almost ready. Something makes me think they are hiding something up their sleeve. (I.e the reason why it's been delayed)

I am willing to wait and see how this pans out, I'm excited to get a new Starfox but I don't like the idea of a gamepad cockpit screen. I wonder if you the have the option to switch it to a "traditional mode"


Flynnie said:
I am willing to wait and see how this pans out, I'm excited to get a new Starfox but I don't like the idea of a gamepad cockpit screen. I wonder if you the have the option to switch it to a "traditional mode"

As far as anyone can tell, there is no traditional control scheme, which is why so many aren't looking forward to it.

Personally I think the most fun looking feature atm is the transformation of the ArWing they have included from the canned StarFox2.

( Edited 17.11.2015 14:57 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Looks incredibly exciting and fun to play. Would love to see some examples what the unimpressed on here feel counts as impressive or exciting game(trailers). Crazy.

i think most are unimpressed because if like me u were around for the launch of star fox and lylat wars this looks very similar. ok they have improved lighting and textures but this looks like it could be the same game. ok i know its called star fox 0 and its going back to roots but this could have been so much more.

I'll obviously have to wait to play it for myself, but I have a feeling that this game could possibly replace Pikmin 3 as the game I feel uses the Game Pad best for controls.

( Edited 18.11.2015 09:16 by Sonic_13 )

Supa_hyped said:
i think most are unimpressed because if like me u were around for the launch of star fox and lylat wars this looks very similar. ok they have improved lighting and textures but this looks like it could be the same game. ok i know its called star fox 0 and its going back to roots but this could have been so much more.

What more?
What would be impressive? What did impress you? I don't get why apparently most are expecting things they can't even make clear themselves.

, said:

Supa_hyped said:
i think most are unimpressed because if like me u were around for the launch of star fox and lylat wars this looks very similar. ok they have improved lighting and textures but this looks like it could be the same game. ok i know its called star fox 0 and its going back to roots but this could have been so much more.

What more?
What would be impressive? What did impress you? I don't get why apparently most are expecting things they can't even make clear themselves.

Looks horrible and unappealing visually, the controls and use of two screens looks awful and awkward to use, the sections where you're flying the little gyrocopter around look really slow and boring and they're just retreading old Star Fox again with the stages/story.

I'm glad it's been delayed, the game did look like it needed a lot of work but not having a traditional control scheme is putting me off slightly. I won't knock it until I try it, I've been moaning very frequently about the lack of a Starfox game for years, so I won't complain now that we have actually got one!

Really? It's being developed by incredible people, not Namco or Sega or something silly like that. Judging from your adjectives I cant even believe we're talking about the same game.

Well, it doesn't really matter who's working on it, if the game doesn't look good, then it doesn't look good. Some of the best developers around have made some stinkers in their time, including Nintendo.

Besides that, I don't like any games I've played developed by Platinum, so if anything, that alone doesn't give me hope that it will be good at all.

( Edited 18.11.2015 19:11 by Marzy )

Well ok, but I think you're being quite harsh in your wording. Or just have really high standards, which is fine.
I'm excited for this game, that's for sure!

, said:

Supa_hyped said:
i think most are unimpressed because if like me u were around for the launch of star fox and lylat wars this looks very similar. ok they have improved lighting and textures but this looks like it could be the same game. ok i know its called star fox 0 and its going back to roots but this could have been so much more.

What more?
What would be impressive? What did impress you? I don't get why apparently most are expecting things they can't even make clear themselves.

what would have impressed me, as i said in a previous SF0 post is a starfox sandbox game, nintendo style with emphasis on co op, set across the lylat system. i would have been much more impressed with that. not saying this is going to be a bad game but from what i have seen it looks much of the same from previous games. i think the assymetric control scheme will get lost with most opting to just look at the tv as that will offer the traditional starfox viewpoint. i could be wrong. what impressed me? not much but the arwing transforming into the walker is pretty cool. what more? give the story more depth, i have not played SF0 yet but i could wager that the first level is cornaria, second is in space, andross is boss(shoot his hands), wolf and crew will show up ( all range mode dog fight) and there will be no npcs in the levels besides your team, just angular buildings and robots.

You are forced to use the GamePad screen in certain sections, with the TV displaying a "cinematic" view of your ship flying around. Terrible.

I can deal with pants graphics if it means locked 60fps (but let's face it, the Wii U is capable of so much better than this). The problem for me is the control setup. Waited all these years for a proper SF game, then I'm forced with these shitty controls that are inferior to normal controls. Go watch vids or GameSpot's playthrough and follow-up discussion about it - it handles poorly. If people like the new controls, good for them. I personally can't stand this kind of thing, especially for games that never needed to be messed around with in the first place.

yeah the controls look horrible. this is nintendo justifying the second screen to the shareholders.  would have been better using the screen for split screen co-op, maps, bombs and arsenal.

Yeah, defo - like Mario Kart 8 (minus the forced split-screens on the GamePad itself...which was ridiculous) - one player on the TV, the other on the pad. That's what I thought would be one of the main reasons for the GamePad itself. I don't even mind the option of going first-person on the pad, and gyro controls etc, but only as that: an option.

That reminds me that any form of multiplayer is non-existent because only one pad can be used. No more local dogfights.

I dont consider Gamespot a trustworthy source at all. Never have, I dont think anybody should, but ok.
Seems more like a case of getting used to new controls in a familiar game, to me.
I still don't understand the harsh negativity. Some of you just seem bitter for no reason at all?

Who cares if they work for Gamespot, it's just people playing the game, and you can see for yourself the inaccuracies at play compared to being able to fine tune control with an analogue stick. There are other vids out there. I'm sure people will enjoy the controls, and that's great. No reason tho? No, I've explained why I don't like what they've done. When I wanna chill with a game, the last thing I want to do is move my arms around with that bulky gamepad. To each their own tho. If you like what they're doing with it, I'm sure you'll have fun with it.

Gamespot is 'just some people playing a game'? Eh, ok. Let's just disagree then.

Thanks, I will. Hope you will be able to try the game out as well, maybe you'll like the controls or Nintendo will implement a more suitable control setup for you.

Yeah, they played the game and I watched how it controlled. Same with other people from other outlets. These guys weren't purposely failing at the game because of the controls. If you want to talk about Gamespot as a bad source for reviewing games, that's a different matter, but I don't really care about other major outlet reviews anyway.

Extremely unlikely there won't be another control option. Not saying I won't ever pick the game up for the right price. Not saying I won't be able to enjoy the game in its current format either. As it is tho, no interest : (

Makes no sense to me to distrust someone on their review capabilities but then trust them on their preview videos.
I just looked up and watched the NintendoLife and FamilyGamerTV youtube videos on starfox zero controls for you, and they seemed to have no problems playing the game well. So I think the Gamespot employees are either bad at games, or biased in some way. You really shouldn't trust them, in my opinion.

I didn't say I didn't trust GS's reviews. I don't read them. I hardly read reviews full stop. Like I say, I've watched other gameplay elsewhere, and hey if it controls great to other people, that's great for them I guess. Even if it was an accurate way to control the game, it wouldn't interest me because I hate motion and using the gamepad. Moving the gamepad around is not fun for me. If it simply had the option for normal controls, I'd care.

There's more to it than just the actual motion controls. It's also the fact you have use two screens at once and having to keep looking up and down to aim. There's literally no way this is a good thing... ever. I don't even need to try it to know that. It will just be a complete annoyance to me especially, since I have problems with my neck and back.

Just the whole concept of using the gamepad has effected other parts of the game, too. There's a big hit to what they can do visually with it, because the game has to run twice, at 1080p or 720p/60fps on both screens.

There's no reason for this control method. Star Fox always worked fine. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". This has been forced in to please investors and people who complain that Nintendo aren't using the gamepad in unique ways.

( Edited 19.11.2015 19:54 by Marzy )

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