Super Mario Bros. 3 Was Just a Play? - "Hai!" says Miyamoto-san

By Athanasios 14.09.2015 3

Super Mario Bros. 3 Was Just a Play? - "Hai!" says Miyamoto-san on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

From the day it came into existence, to our times, many a Nintendo fan believed that the third Mario Bros. episode was just a play, and according to the man behind the plumber, it actually was!

The hanging platforms, the shadows on the background, the curtain opening, the end of the stage that was similar to exiting a set... Yup, it was just that; a play.

Image for Super Mario Bros. 3 Was Just a Play? - "Hai!" says Miyamoto-san

So, it turns out that after Super Mario Bros., Mario's second adventure was just a dream, and the third was a "simple" theatre performance. Miyamoto-san sure is a creative fellow...

To whom would you give the reward for Best Performance to?

Box art for Super Mario Bros. 3





2D Platformer



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It's only now that I notice that the "stage" from SMB3's title screen is re-used in Paper Mario Smilie. Same red curtain and black and white tiled floor Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Still my favourite of all the Marios.

Completely off topic, but if they were to re-master the originals for Current Gen platforms, it would sell. I dont really enjoy this current generation Mario, its too mainstream and I believe leaves out the essence of what Mario was.

Either way, nice little write up, nice to finally know!

( Edited 15.09.2015 15:17 by Tomson )

Tomson said:
Completely off topic, but if they were to re-master the originals for Current Gen platforms, it would sell. I dont really enjoy this current generation Mario, its too mainstream and I believe leaves out the essence of what Mario was.

couldn't agree more

Can't a fella drink in peace?

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