FullBlast Lands on Wii U on 27th August

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.08.2015 5

FullBlast Lands on Wii U on 27th August on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

FullBlast will be touching down in North America later this month, EnjoyUp have confirmed.

Developed by indie studio UFO Crash Games, the Wii U release sees players defending the human race against a horde of invading aliens. 3D graphics, head-banging heavy metal soundtrack and online leaderboards are included, plus off-TV and two player support for good measure.


The game will be available for $5.99 when it launches on 27th August 2015 on the Wii U eShop.

Image for FullBlast Lands on Wii U on 27th August

Will you join the war against aliens in FullBlast for Wii U?

Box art for FullBlast

UFO Crash







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European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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Our member of the week

As far as I could tell, the European version did not have off-TV play whatsoever (review to go up on cubed3 very soon), so unless this is an addition to the North American version, which I doubt, that might be a mistake.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Alex (guest) 21.08.2015#2

Hi RudyC3 it's Alex from UfoCrashGames, could you tell me what's wrong with off-tv?, as far as I know you can play on tv or in your gamepad (off-tv) (single player only), and that works perfectly. Are we missing anything?

Our member of the week

Alex (guest) said:
Hi RudyC3 it's Alex from UfoCrashGames, could you tell me what's wrong with off-tv?, as far as I know you can play on tv or in your gamepad (off-tv) (single player only), and that works perfectly. Are we missing anything?

I didn't see any option within the game to play it off-TV, so unless it's an obscure button combination that you have to press then I can't figure out how to activate it (I tried the minus button which is usually the one that does the trick) and I don't think I saw any mention of it in the digital manual either.

EDIT: Fair enough it was the minus button after all. I don't know why it didn't work when I tried it out. Anyway it was my bad then, it does have off-TV play Smilie !

( Edited 21.08.2015 13:22 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
Alex (guest) 21.08.2015#4

According to the controls screen (in the main menu) the minus button should activate/deactivate the off-tv and you should be able to play normally on the gamepad.
Sadly there's nothing "in-game" that tells you about that option, the controls are in the main menu, but it is supposed to work, we had a rough time with nintendo to make all that work, so it's hard to believe that the option doesn't work at all and nintendo approved the game.

Our member of the week

Alex (guest) said:
According to the controls screen (in the main menu) the minus button should activate/deactivate the off-tv and you should be able to play normally on the gamepad.
Sadly there's nothing "in-game" that tells you about that option, the controls are in the main menu, but it is supposed to work, we had a rough time with nintendo to make all that work, so it's hard to believe that the option doesn't work at all and nintendo approved the game.

Oh no no, it does work, I simply didn't see that when I looked for it and since it didn't seem to work when I first tried it, and since the bottom screen was black all the time, I simply assumed that this was not an included function, but it was my mistake, nothing to worry about.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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