Nova-111 Coming to the Wii U eShop in September

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.07.2015

Nova-111 Coming to the Wii U eShop in September on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Former PixelJunk developers Eddie Lee and Kalin are bringing a new game, Nova-111, to multiple platforms.

The game is pitched as a sci-fi themed adventure that sees players using a hybrid of real-time and turn-based strategy mechanics to fend off enemies and solve puzzles. Step into an orange vessel and travel through mysterious planets and battle bizarre astrobiological creatures.

Key to the game is the idea of blending together both real time and turn based gameplay seamlessly. This isn't about having separate turn based and real time sections - the way the game, enemies and the environment react to you can be mixed up at a moments notice making for a game that's both very strategic but easy to pick up and play.


There'll also be a dynamic playtrack that weaves itself to different play styles, plus the ability to stop time to dodge danger.

Nova-111 also picked up awards at PAX and SWSW, plus was a finalist during Indiecade 2014.

Nova-111 is due out on PS4, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox One this August, with a Wii U release in September. Curve Digital will publish the game, with Nova-111 developed by Funktronic Labs.

What do you think of the Nova-111 concept?

Box art for Nova-111



Curve Studios





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European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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