Director for The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, Hiromasa Shikata, was asked why players can't be female in an interview with IGN.
The Legend of Zelda series has always had questions from fans, particularly when it comes to spin-off titles, on why the protagonist can't be female.
Tri Force Heroes uses co-operative multiplayer features between three Link characters to solve puzzles and conquer dungeons on Nintendo 3DS. With a strong emphasis on costumes to wear, it's lead players to question why, in 2015, Nintendo refuse to allow a switch to become a female protagonist.
The main reason, Shikata says, is due to the story, a legend where "heroes will come together to help solve a problem. And in that, they are male characters." Because of this, "you cannot choose a gender; you are a male character."
Shikata highlighted how, at Nintendo, "a lot of female staff members who are playing this game and enjoying it. It doesn't seem to be a big issue to them. They still are getting emotional investment."
That said, he feels that "Link isn't the most masculine of guys in the world, depending on how you want to project yourself into the character."
Do you think Nintendo should have had the option to play as a female character in The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes?