Why Can't Players be Female in The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes?

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.06.2015 14

Why Can

Director for The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, Hiromasa Shikata, was asked why players can't be female in an interview with IGN.

The Legend of Zelda series has always had questions from fans, particularly when it comes to spin-off titles, on why the protagonist can't be female. 

Tri Force Heroes uses co-operative multiplayer features between three Link characters to solve puzzles and conquer dungeons on Nintendo 3DS. With a strong emphasis on costumes to wear, it's lead players to question why, in 2015, Nintendo refuse to allow a switch to become a female protagonist.


The main reason, Shikata says, is due to the story, a legend where "heroes will come together to help solve a problem. And in that, they are male characters." Because of this, "you cannot choose a gender; you are a male character."

Shikata highlighted how, at Nintendo, "a lot of female staff members who are playing this game and enjoying it. It doesn't seem to be a big issue to them. They still are getting emotional investment."

That said, he feels that "Link isn't the most masculine of guys in the world, depending on how you want to project yourself into the character."

Do you think Nintendo should have had the option to play as a female character in The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes





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Poor reason. Don't see why not, really.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Yes, yes it should! Every game should imo have that.. ^^ But I understand why that is not the case. Smilie But I can dream and wish, can't I?

It is not anything that prevents me to enjoy the game though. I do not care, but I would find it nice. It is not like in RPGs where character personalities becomes more prevalent. In those cases the inability to play as a female character might take away little to a lot of the experience for me personally as I have an easier time to identify with female characters in games for some reason. .__.

But in games like Zelda? No! It's not a problem, it would be a nice feature, but it is not a dealbreaker. Also, Link is not even that much of a macho dude, so it is not -that- horrible.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

""Link isn't the most masculine of guys in the world, depending on how you want to project yourself into the character.""

I like the fact the youtube video is paused with what looks like blue link being a chearleader. 
Traditional gender roles be damned!


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They're falling back on the whole "Link is a dude, it says so in the prophecy" argument. Does someone want to remind them that they're the ones who created that prophecy?

Yeah, the argument is weak... But I think personally that Nintendo gets too much crap over this. So few games beside RPPGs allow the player to chose which gender they want their PC to be so it is unfair to just point out Nintendo here who have actually done a good job recently in allowing the player that possibility. Personally, I think Nintendo could've used Lana for this... With the aggreement of Koei Tecmo ofc! Smilie

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.
Guest (guest) 01.07.2015#6

Andre Eriksson said:
Yeah, the argument is weak... But I think personally that Nintendo gets too much crap over this. So few games beside RPPGs allow the player to chose which gender they want their PC to be so it is unfair to just point out Nintendo here who have actually done a good job recently in allowing the player that possibility. Personally, I think Nintendo could've used Lana for this... With the aggreement of Koei Tecmo ofc! Smilie

Nah, Lana is way generic. :p I think it would be cool for them to come up with a less 'anime' and more Zelda style of female character.

Guest (guest) said:

Andre Eriksson said:
Yeah, the argument is weak... But I think personally that Nintendo gets too much crap over this. So few games beside RPPGs allow the player to chose which gender they want their PC to be so it is unfair to just point out Nintendo here who have actually done a good job recently in allowing the player that possibility. Personally, I think Nintendo could've used Lana for this... With the aggreement of Koei Tecmo ofc! Smilie

Nah, Lana is way generic. :p I think it would be cool for them to come up with a less 'anime' and more Zelda style of female character.

Totally agree. Keep Lana out of Zelda games that aren't Hyrule Warriors.

Maybe just let us play as Zelda?

Since it's a spin-off title, I think that would work well. I guess we can at least dress Link up as her!

Our member of the week

I know more female players who prefer to play as Link as a male character than female players who are pissed that they can't play as a female. If anything, all female Zelda fans I know think Link is hot, no matter what age he is (which is kinda disturbing Smilie). And besides, especially in this kind of title, where Link is a kid, and given that the character is far from being sexualised in any way, he could very well pass for a girl to anyone with enough imagination. Toon Link, or Kid Link in general, is even voiced by a woman for crying out loud XD.

It seems the only people who take issue are not even female, so whatever. Must everything be taken back down to gender fights and must all games let you choose a gender at all costs to be enjoyable? It's good to have a choice of gender for sure, but do companies have always to explain all the choices they make and everything be questioned that way, like there's automatically an attack on female players, or homesexuals or whatever, hidden behind? Just cause they didn't include it doesn't automatically mean it's sexist, Link is thee hero of the series, so whatever? There's, in my opinion anyway, not a majority of players crying out to get female playable characters included other than to make a buzz out if it on the internet and surf on the wave of gender equality protests, and Nintendo is getting it much worse than anybody else it seems, when, if anything, they have made female players happier with their games than any other company out there before them.

If anything those people asking for it aren't even genuinely interested in the title and aren't even gonna buy the game Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
I know more female players who prefer to play as Link as a male character than female players who are pissed that they can't play as a female. If anything, all female Zelda fans I know think Link is hot, no matter what age he is (which is kinda disturbing Smilie). And besides, especially in this kind of title, where Link is a kid, and given that the character is far from being sexualised in any way, he could very well pass for a girl to anyone with enough imagination. Toon Link, or Kid Link in general, is even voiced by a woman for crying out loud XD.

It seems the only people who take issue are not even female, so whatever. Must everything be taken back down to gender fights and must all games let you choose a gender at all costs to be enjoyable? It's good to have a choice of gender for sure, but do companies have always to explain all the choices they make and everything be questioned that way, like there's automatically an attack on female players, or homesexuals or whatever, hidden behind? Just cause they didn't include it doesn't automatically mean it's sexist, Link is thee hero of the series, so whatever? There's, in my opinion anyway, not a majority of players crying out to get female playable characters included other than to make a buzz out if it on the internet and surf on the wave of gender equality protests, and Nintendo is getting it much worse than anybody else it seems, when, if anything, they have made female players happier with their games than any other company out there before them.

If anything those people asking for it aren't even genuinely interested in the title and aren't even gonna buy the game Smilie.

Yeah, agree.. xD Some female gamers I know have or has at least had a crush on Link at some point.. x3 But I have seldom heard one straight out complain about not being able to play a female character in most Nintendo games. Even those who normally sees this as an issue.

Therefore it is very very weird that Nintendo are the ones getting most **** over it. Especially as they are from my knowledge the big company doing their best to not implement strong stereotypical gender indicators on their main characters. It feels like people are netpicking on Nintendo just fbecause it's Nintendo. Which is sad.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.
Our member of the week

Lest we forget they spearheaded the use of a female protagonist long before anybody else with Metroid. OK, it came only as a surprise at the end, so people who got into the game could mistake her for a guy in a spacesuit, but it was a first and it came from them Smilie. Should we start complaining that there hasn't been a proper Metroid with a male protagonist? I wouldn't. And I don't want them to either, leave Samus alone xD.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah, I don't really have a problem with it to be honest. I never thought about this stuff when I saw the game. Link is Link and he's a male character and the main protagonist of the Zelda series. If they did decide to add in a playable female character though, I think Zelda would be perfect.

FFS what is it with minority group constantly asking about "equality" in games. Rudy hit the nail on the head, you don't see people clambering for a male Samus or how about a male Lara Croft or a male Bayonetta. This is getting ridiculous, you are getting homosexual/bisexual relationships in Fire emblem but guess what that won't be good enough! Technically you can get beastiality in FE as well! 

What next "female Mickey Mouse" and male Minnie Mouse. How about being a female Mario? Or how about a female Terminator....oh wait...

I don't really see such a criticism lobbied against other games or series so why does Nintendo get lambasted with such stupid requests? I'm not sexist, racist, homophobic or anything like that but please let Nintendo or any creator of anything feel free to create what they want instead of pressuring falsified creativity. 

( Edited 04.07.2015 03:19 by Flynnie )

The problem is not of individual games, but overall proportionately.
Its one of those things thats wrong "on mass" but not neccessily wrong in any individual case.

Logically gender should be a roughly 50/50 split - pick a game at random and the chance of a female protagonist or a male one should be about equal. But it clearly isn't.

Nintendo certainly shouldn't be singled out, pretty much no game individually should. But designers these days should be pretty much tossing a coin to pick gender of hero (if it cant be chosen) - when I suspect many still go for while male as a "default".
(that goes for other under represented groups too of course, and in pretty much all media rather then just games - ideally our media should be reflecting the makeup of our soceity)

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