Star Fox Zero Content Not Locked Behind amiibo

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.06.2015 1

Star Fox Zero Content Not Locked Behind amiibo on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The new Star Fox Zero won't have core content locked away behind amiibo figures, Shigeru Miyamoto confirms.

Series creator Miyamoto brought the new Wii U Star Fox Zero to E3 last week, showcasing just how the GamePad comes into play with the popular space shooter. 

One of the concerns that came out of the event was whether amiibo figures would be required to unlock core content that's already in the game. When it comes to Star Fox Zero, Miyamoto confirmed how the amiibo figures would be used to "get a little something extra" and not to "unlock content."

He went on to say, "so rather than actual abilities or things like that changing in the game, it would be like getting a different skin for the Arwing or something like that."

What do you think the amiibo figures should do in Star Fox Zero?

Box art for Star Fox Zero

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jay (guest) 28.06.2015#1

I wish they'd do something worthwhile with them. like unlock an extra route through a level or a different game mode. Different skins are nice but also a tad pointless.

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