Criterion Were Asked to Pitch F-Zero Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.06.2015 4

Criterion Were Asked to Pitch F-Zero Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Did you know that racing specialists Criterion were asked by Nintendo to pitch F-Zero for Wii U?

The studio, who are known for the likes of Burnout and Need for Speed, were asked by Nintendo of Europe back in 2011 to work on a pitch for an F-Zero title for Wii U, which would have been shown off during E3 alongside the console's reveal.

The studio were working on Need for Speed: Most Wanted, so had to turn the offer down - confirmed by studio founder Alex Ward to NintendoLife this week.

Would you have liked to see a Criterion version of F-Zero?

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Criterion are great (Burnout 2 is one of my favourite racing games ever), they probably would have developed a decent F-Zero. Shame they didn't have time to work on it!

I really like the approach Nintendo starts to take here with third parties. Inviting them on the first party cake that are Nintendo's games. That will make them publish dem AAA titles on their consoles! Smilie I just hope NX will see the result of these seeds.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Wow.... oh well...mabey we will see a Wii U F Zero in the near future....especialy witth all the gba signs are looking good with interest with nintendo....

I really enjoyed Burnout 2 and Revenge. They are brilliant games. Haven't really played many racing games after these though. I wish F-zero would make a comeback. Would even love to get on the GBA game that was released JPN only as well!

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