Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Doesn't Take Place in Hyrule

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.06.2015

Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Doesn

Discussing the storyline in The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes, director Hiromasa Shikata confirmed that the game doesn't take place in Hyrule this time - it's a new world that's completely obsessed with fashion.

There is a princess in the story, but Shikata noted how it's not Princess Zelda, but protagonist Link does embark on an adventure to save this world's royal lady. Bless him. 

Shikata was quizzed into where exactly the game fits in the timeline, or whether it takes place within the same universe as A Link Between Worlds, to which he replied: "With the history of Zelda we have these three parallel worlds. I can't say which one it's on/in at this point" and how Nintendo can't designate which of the history branches the game fits within - if any.

Do you think The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes has to fit within the timeline or not?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes





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