Star Fox Wii U Lacks Online Multiplayer but Isn't Being Ruled Out

By Jorge Ba-oh 16.06.2015 2

Star Fox Wii U Lacks Online Multiplayer but Isn

Nintendo revealed the first footage of Star Fox Zero running on Wii U today and the game will lack online multiplayer.

The Nintendo Treehouse Live Star Fox presentation focused on a strong single-player element to the game, with heated dog-fights, on-rails sections and even the ability to transform into a walking craft.

With the new Wii U game, Shigeru Miyamoto and the team are "really prioritising getting this new game playing at 60 frames-per-second," and how there's a stronger focus on the solo adventure this time round.

However, he isn't ruling it out entirely as "if we find that we do think it'd be really good we'll definitely consider it, but right now we're not."

Should Nintendo bring online multiplayer to the Star Fox experience?

Box art for Star Fox Zero

Arc System Works


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If it doesn't come at the expense of Single Player or Local Multiplayer, then yes. But Online Multiplayer is really my least prioritized aspect of any game. But sure, if it does not decrease the quality of the before-mentioned then sure! I would love it.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.
Endless Solitude (guest) 17.06.2015#2

I'm definitely glad they're prioritizing single-player.

It would be interesting if they made the various Arwings a little different from each other, (ex: having Falco's faster, Peppy's better armoured etc..) - with the option of playing the game as the other characters being unlocked once one finishes the story as Fox McCloud...

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