Star Fox Zero Showcased at Nintendo Digital Event

By Drew Hurley 16.06.2015 3

Star Fox Zero Showcased at Nintendo Digital Event on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo kicked off their E3 2015 Digital Event with style, showing some footage from the upcoming Star Fox title for Wii U.

Now entitled Star Fox Zero, Miyamoto showed off a bunch of footage, spoke about his inspirations for the title and what we can expect. It's interesting to hear Miyamoto talk a lot about his inspiration, including how Star Fox was originally inspired by his love of the classic show Thunderbirds.

Miyamoto lives close to the famous Inari Shrine and the numerous gates there inspired him to include so many arches in the game. He said how just seeing an archway makes the player want to go underneath it.

The reason Miyamoto and team wanted to bring Star Fox back now is thanks to the gyroscopic controls of the Wii U. Allowing the player to control the ship by pitching and pulling the pad is something they were really impressed by.

Star Fox Zero gives the player three vehicles this time. There's the new drone-like Gyrowing that the player can use to investigate in smaller spaces in the world. The Landmaster tank returns with some big boss battles, and, of course, the classic Arwing is back. This time, the Arwing is a little different; it now has the ability to transform into a Walker, a feature introduced in the never released Star Fox 2.

Will you be picking up Star Fox Zero? Let us know in the comments below!

Box art for Star Fox Zero

Arc System Works


Arc System Works





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Endless Solitude (guest) 16.06.2015#1

There were three vehicles in Lylat Wars/Star Fox 64 - the Arwing, the Landmaster Tank (for three levels) and a submarine (for one level) - so that's not particularly novel.

However, the Gyrowing is reminiscent of the Beetle in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Here's hoping it's just as delightful.

Star Foz Zero is looking good - just watched the demo on Treehouse Live.

I like the separate steering and gyro aiming. That is going to be great.

Interesting that Platinum Games is co-developing it.

I haven't watched the Treehouse live events but it would have been nice for this to have been an origins story given it's name. It sounds like they are rebooting the story yet again (given Miyamoto's commentary in the Digitial Event)

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