New Game | Nintendo Europe Confirms Wario Ware Release!

By Adam Riley 22.06.2004 1

Wario Ware GC...
Coming to Europe at Last!

Nintendo of Europe has finally announced that the multi-player party game for the Nintendo GameCube, Wario Ware, will be heading over to our territory this September, the same month that Animal Crossing will be making an appearance. Below is the full Nintendo Press Release:


Get your dancing shoes on and join the party that never sleeps: Wario Ware is back in town! This wild experience hosted by Wario offers players the choice of no less than 200 wacky mini-games to keep gamers entertained for hours on end. An action packed and thrilling race against the clock, Wario Ware, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ is available across Europe from 3 September 2004.

With its cute comic book graphics, this game is totally unpredictable and bursting with fun. The zany atmosphere is unique to Wario Ware and was originally created for the Game Boy Advance in 2003. Wario Ware, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ is a hilarious multiplayer game that will test and twist every inch of the brain, keeping players amused for hours!

Fast and furious and not for the faint hearted; only gamers with lightening quick reactions will succeed in this roller coaster game. Players are presented with a succession of random games: each one unique, with the player never knowing what is coming next. Winning mini-games will earn players screaming fans to accompany them to the Survival-Fever mode, where players must strut their stuff in the disco between each mini-game. If players falter in any of their tasks, they lose their fans and are left to boogie alone, which means game over!

Multiplayer madness comes into its own in Wario Ware, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ and four players can get together to share the fun. In addition to the controller, players can use the Game Boy Advance as control pads; players must successfully manoeuvre themselves throughout each game, completing each one as quickly as possible. But be warned, the controls are simple, but the games can be tough! Don’t expect any help from your friends, this mode is extremely competitive and rivals can play a number of tricks to dash your chances of winning. Players can even make opponent’s controllers vibrate and activate on-screen characters to appear and obstruct their views.

Wario Ware, Inc.: Mega Party Game$ is available across Europe on 3rd September 2004 at the estimated retail price of 30 Euros or

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