Ronimo on the Swords & Soldiers II Pricing

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.05.2015

Ronimo on the Swords & Soldiers II Pricing on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ronimo Games has discussed the pricing for upcoming Wii U eShop exclusive, Swords & Soldiers II.

The game, coming exclusively to Nintendo's home console, will be available to download from 21st May at a price of $19.99 / €18.99 / £16.99 - a fair bit higher than the standard crop of eShop titles. However Ronimo feels that the various different features, additions and the fact that the title is tailored to the Wii U setup justifies the reasoning behind the pricing scheme.

Swords & Soldiers II is a self-funded passion project, created with a lot of care and craftsmanship in over 3 years of development. The whole game has been built from the ground up to support the new and amazing hand animated art style and kickass new gameplay features, such as:
  • Two completely new factions and one upgraded classic faction, adding lots of new units, spells and buildings.
  • the Custom Army feature, allowing players to build their own army out of over 45 elements.
  • Multiplayer mode where each player has their own screen, fully utilizing the Wii U GamePad.
  • Epic and ridiculous narrated storyline with sidequests and minigames and over 40 challenging bonus objectives to complete.
  • There should be room for bigger, better and higher quality indie games. We feel Swords & Soldiers II is such a game and the price is a reflection of that.

For more on the game, be sure to read our Swords & Soldiers Wii U review.

Will you join the Swords & Soldiers II campaign on Wii U this week?

Box art for Swords & Soldiers II








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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