SteamWorld Heist - Q&A Session

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.04.2015

SteamWorld Heist - Q&A Session on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Brjann and Julius from Image & Form recently held a Q&A session for upcoming side-scroller SteamWorld Heist.

The pair discuss the connections with SteamWorld Dig (Though SteamWorld Heist isn't a sequel), platform exclusive content, multiplayer campaigns, potential amiibo support and more.

In SteamWorld Heist, players take on the role of Captain Piper, who recruits a team of rag-tag robots to scavenge the remains of a desolate world. Turn-based combat, side-scrolling gameplay and a striking art-style await.


SteamWorld Heist will be released on multiple platforms - including Steam, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox One, Nintendo 3DS, Wii U and mobile platforms from fall 2015.

What do you think of the SteamWorld Heist concept so far?

Box art for SteamWorld Heist

Image & Form


Image & Form





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