Splatoon Wii U Bundles for US, Europe

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.04.2015 2

Splatoon Wii U Bundles for US, Europe on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo will be releasing Splatoon Wii U bundles in North America and Europe.

The much anticipated third-person multiplayer shooter is primed to cause a whole load of painted chaos on the Wii U when it launches on 29th May. 

As part of the launch, Nintendo will be releasing an exclusive Splatoon Deluxe Wii U set in Best Buy stores across North America. The pack, to retail with an RRP of $299.99, will contain Splatoon (download code) and Nintendo Land (pre-installed), plus the usual accessories.

Over in Europe, fans will be able to pick up a Wii U Deluxe bundle on 19th June, which includes a copy of Splatoon on disc.

Finally, a nifty new trailer that showcases just how messy the game can get - as players rally together to splatter ink across arenas in heated multiplayer matches.


Will you pick up a Splatoon Wii U bundle? What do you think of the deal?

Box art for Splatoon








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It is a pretty ok deal. Would've been preferred if it was an exclusively lacked system as I think it would sell better then.   I already own a system, so I will most likely not buy the bundle. If a bundle with the game + all amiibos is released at an in overall reduced price though, I might get that bundle.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Andre Eriksson said:
It is a pretty ok deal. Would've been preferred if it was an exclusively lacked system as I think it would sell better then.   I already own a system, so I will most likely not buy the bundle. If a bundle with the game + all amiibos is released at an in overall reduced price though, I might get that bundle.

NinendoUK store did an all amiibo game bundle for a reasonable price. Maybe it will appear on other retail sites across the world during may.

( Edited 22.04.2015 13:31 by Sandy Wilson )

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