A-Train Rides onto Nintendo 3DS

By Adam Riley 14.04.2015 1

A-Train Rides onto Nintendo 3DS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Natsume has announced that is has launched A-Train: City Simulator on the Nintendo 3DS eShop in North America, with the game officially launching on 16th April in Europe and Australia.Developed by Artdink, A-Train: City Simulator is a cross between a social experience and a deeply involved city building simulator with a heavy emphasis on keeping a town connected and its transportation flowing smoothly. However, doing so comes with challenges: players will need to balance their budgets, as well as the wants and needs of the people using the systems. Bottlenecks and frustrated citizens must be avoided if the transportation system is going to truly work for the people.

Natsume feels strongly in providing players with unique gaming experiences, so when we got the opportunity to bring A-Train: City Simulator to 3DS gamers, we were totally on board! The game isn't just about trains. It is a complete transportation and city simulation experience with very in-depth gameplay and attention to detail which Artdink is well known for.- Hiro Maekawa, President and CEO of Natsume.
As the new head of transportation, players will see the real results of their work. They can construct new buildings to support additional growth for bus routes and subway services, export goods to make money, and even build an airport. As time passes in-game, gamers will have the option to upgrade their technology, moving from steam-powered trains to high-powered electric ones.

Enjoy the sights of the city and the transportation methods chosen with a panoramic sweep, or set new goals with a map editor that gives all the tools needed to craft new scenarios. With hours and hours of variable storylines, fans will find a deep depth of gameplay that's sure to keep them coming back for more.Expect a full review on Cubed3 in the near future.

Box art for A-Train: City Simulator








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Our member of the week

I don't know if that's for me. I think I prefer the actual driving thereof Smilie. I'm a sucker for Densha de Go! I wonder if there will ever be one on the 3DS. There was one on PSP and on DS, but haven't heeard of any on the 3DS, but because of region locking, I wouldn't be able to play it on 3DS anyway unfortunately :/.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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