Project X Zone 2 Announced for 3DS; Coming Autumn 2015 Worldwide

By Az Elias 12.04.2015 4

Project X Zone 2 Announced for 3DS; Coming Autumn 2015 Worldwide on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

After a recent leak revealed a sequel to Project X Zone was in the works, Bandai Namco has today officially announced the game is coming to Nintendo 3DS this Autumn in Europe, Japan and the Americas.

Developed by Monolith Software, Project X Zone 2: Brave New World once again features characters from the universes of Bandai Namco, SEGA and Capcom video game series, and the first teaser trailer for the strategy-based game reveals a host of new faces for the sequel.

Characters that popped up in the trailer include: Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil); Kazuma Kiryu and Majima Goro (Yakuza); Dante and Vergil (Devil May Cry); Erica and Ichiro (Sakura Wars); Yuri and Flynn (Tales of Vesperia); Jin and Kazuya (Tekken); Mega Man X and Zero (Mega Man X); Akira Yuki and Kage-Maru (Virtua Fighter); Kite and Haseo (.hack); Natsu (SoulCalibur); Strider Hiryu (Strider) and Hotsuma (Shinobi).

Image for Project X Zone 2 Announced for 3DS; Coming Autumn 2015 Worldwide
Image for Project X Zone 2 Announced for 3DS; Coming Autumn 2015 Worldwide
Image for Project X Zone 2 Announced for 3DS; Coming Autumn 2015 Worldwide
Image for Project X Zone 2 Announced for 3DS; Coming Autumn 2015 Worldwide
Image for Project X Zone 2 Announced for 3DS; Coming Autumn 2015 Worldwide
Box art for Project X Zone 2
Also known as

Project X Zone 2: Brave New World




Bandai Namco





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Here I am, hopelessly hoping for that Subaru from .hack//sign will be a playable character. She is my favorite character in the .hack series and has been since I was a little kid. Make it happen! Smilie

Would also be cool if Tear from Tales of the Abyss would be playable. Smilie She is also a very cool character!

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Holy shit, a worldwide release??? That's amazing news, considering how shocked many people were that we got the first Project X Zone at all.

A shame that Tales of Vesperia characters are in this again, as Jude and Milla from Tales of Xillia 1/2 definitely deserve to represent Tales of just as much!! I've heard that Tales of Vesperia is very popular in Japan, though, so that may be the reason...

I hope they're avoiding the one flaw of the original Project X Zone, which is game length. I'm certainly someone who loves lengthy games, but Project X Zone could have easily been 20 hours shorter down to 30 hours. They've introduced all playable characters and mechanics by then, so there really wasn't much new to look forward to at all.

Gonna have to get around to the first game soon. Love that they've added Kazuma Kiryu and Leon. I always liked Natsu as well, but still need to actually pick up SCV at some point. I hope they add Ryo. It would have been awesome if they coulda crossed over with one more company, like Koei - would love some DOA characters.

Just noticed the British flag is ever so slightly wrong on the image for the video lol.

I am decidedly more interested in this sequel than I was by the first. Even if it has the same boring as all hell gameplay the characters this time are selling it to me.

Kazama F'n Kiryu! Yakuza is my most favourite thing ever. Also having characters from Resident Evil and Vesperia is cool.

I'll need to keep an eye on this.

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