International StreetPass Week Incoming

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.04.2015

International StreetPass Week Incoming on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

International StreetPass Week is coming this month, celebrating all things StreetPass.

The event co-insides with a range of new content to the StreetPass Mii Plaza, with Nintendo 3DS owners being able to play more mini-games with their wirelessly captured StreetPass recruits. Two additional games to be released on 16th April include the recently announced StreetPass Fishing and StreetPass Zombies.

If players visit any Nintendo Zone hotspot during the International StreetPass week, they will receive up to six international Mii visitors via StreetPass Relay.

In the UK, there'll be the chance for fans to meet-up during StreetPass Communities across the country, with more details available on the StreetPass UK website.

Will you join the antics in the International StreetPass Week?

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