Batter Zombies, Catch Fish in StreetPass Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 02.04.2015 2

Batter Zombies, Catch Fish in StreetPass Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Want even more uses for those well-earned StreetPass hits? Batter zombies and catch fish from 16th April.

Nintendo are bringing two exciting new mini-games to the StreetPass plaza after an update on 16th April. The first, StreetPass Zombies, finds players bursting through levels, Wii Remote in hand, battering hordes of the undead with special moves.

The latter, StreetPass Fishing, is a touch bit more serene, with Mii characters reeling in all sorts of fishing, and sharing bait for the perfect catch.


Will you try out either of these new StreetPass Plaza games?

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Maybe if they happen to be free, but I doubt that. Little point in paying for such games here, I only get hits when I go to the local game store some weeks.

DeltaBladeX said:
Maybe if they happen to be free, but I doubt that. Little point in paying for such games here, I only get hits when I go to the local game store some weeks.
They aren't free, just like the previous four games for StreetPass Mii Plaza. If I take my 3DS in town with me, I can pass 2-3 StreetPass Relay Points, so getting 10 StreetPasses for me isn't an issue.

Glad Nintendo released those relay points, dunno what I'd do without them. Smilie

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