Could a Star Fox Barrel Roll Work in Space?

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.03.2015 4

Could a Star Fox Barrel Roll Work in Space? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Put those science helmets on - could a barrel roll work in space?

With Hollywood and gaming defying physics in favour of visual spectacle when it comes to space battles and galaxy-bound dogfights, one of thing that could actually work are barrel rolls in space. How do players torque a ship outside a planetary atmosphere?


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I'll have to check next time I boot Elite, but I think it represents putting your ship into a spin by thrusters either side at the ends of your wings. (not that easy to look though...unless they finally implemented that external camera)
I'll have too see if turning flight assist off makes it spin forever. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Darkflame said:
I'll have to check next time I boot Elite, but I think it represents putting your ship into a spin by thrusters either side at the ends of your wings. (not that easy to look though...unless they finally implemented that external camera)
I'll have too see if turning flight assist off makes it spin forever.

You'd need counter thrusters on top of the wings to negate the spin afterwards but it isn't unfeasable to do a barrel roll in space. Don't really need the video to know this. XD

You would actually need a thruster on the top and bottom of both sides of the ship and to roll you'd activate one top thruster on the left and the bottom on the right. This would give you enough force to do a left barrel roll. However making it balance back out after would require lots of micro adjustments with the opposing thrusters.

( Edited 22.03.2015 10:27 by Sandy Wilson )

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I'm not seeing why thrusters at the ends of the wings (facing both up and down) wouldnt work.

Turn the left end (up) on. And the right ends (down) on, and you'd spin.

At least thats what I was thinking.
Maybe thats what you meant by "You would actually need a thruster on the top and bottom of both sides of the ship" as well. 

Would have to be offset though, which is why I said wings. Exact middle youd just....ummm....crush the ship slightly? (assuming they were the same thrust).
. However making it balance back out after would require lots of micro adjustments with the opposing thrusters.
Yes, but I dont think worse then any other space maneuver. Absolute stopping, in either rotation or displacement is always going to be nigh-on-impossible. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Haha yeah that's what I meant. Smilie I just tripped up myself as usual XD

Would definetly work but levelling the ship back out would be almost impossible without entering a counter spin.

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