Dakko Dakko Working on New Wii U Game

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.02.2015

Dakko Dakko Working on New Wii U Game on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The folk behind Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails are working on another Wii U game, confirmed Rhodri Broadbent.

Dakko Dakko are working on a new project, Broadbent teased in an interview this week, praising the hardware as a "little joy box" and how Nintendo's home console "brings a lot of new potential to gameplay, because you think about things in a different way." He feels that because of the "weirdness in your hardware", it allows more ideas to flow as a developer. 

Broadbent goes on to express regret that the Wii U hasn't quite "reached the market it was supposed to," but feels that the system is "delivering good games."


What do you think is brewing at Dakko Dakko?

Box art for Scram Kitty and His Buddy on Rails

Dakko Dakko


Dakko Dakko





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