How New 3DS Improves Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.01.2015 6

How New 3DS Improves Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview with Capcom producer Ryozo Tsujimoto, he explained the benefits of New Nintendo 3DS.

The much anticipated game will be launching on Nintendo 3DS/2DS this year in Europe and North America, but will also have additional capability on the New Nintendo 3DS hardware. The improved viewing angles (with head-tracking), additional C-Stick and shoulder buttons are integral for improving the beast slaying experience.


Nintendo also sat down with aspiring hunters, finding out what they thought about Capcom's latest chapter in the popular adventure/RPG franchise.


Will you join the hunt this year on Nintendo 3DS?

Box art for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
Also known as

Monster Hunter 4G









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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Our member of the week

Should also be one of those games with which you can't access Miiverse while the game is running unless you're running it on the New 3DS, judging from the demo, as was the case with Smash Bros 3DS.

Gotta say though, having tried the demo with the circle pad pro, that I fail to see what the additional triggers bring. From what I remember from the demo, both Ls and both Rs do the same thing.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer
trip (guest) 26.01.2015#2

Got my pre-order in for N3dsXL Monster Hunter edition. I have noticed improvement in gameplay in a quite a few games played on my ambassador 3ds compared to my 3dsXL. Much improved on Citizens Of Earth for instance when exiting shops,etc.

I was playing monster hunter on the new 3ds and the console feels like it was designed for monster hunter. XD

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RudyC3 said:
Should also be one of those games with which you can't access Miiverse while the game is running unless you're running it on the New 3DS, judging from the demo, as was the case with Smash Bros 3DS.

Gotta say though, having tried the demo with the circle pad pro, that I fail to see what the additional triggers bring. From what I remember from the demo, both Ls and both Rs do the same thing.

In the full game, you can customise these additional shoulder buttons to some extent, but I do agree that the additional shoulder buttons aren't NECESSARY. The right circle pad, or C-Stick is the best thing you get out of using the CPP.

Our member of the week

Mush said:
The right circle pad, or C-Stick is the best thing you get out of using the CPP.

Yep, I certainly do agree on that, being able to rotate the camera around using a right stick really improved the enjoyment I got out of the demo. The game looks significantly better than MH3U on 3DS too, IMHO, but perhaps my bad lasting impression of MH3U on 3DS came from the fact I played the Wii game a lot before and so could notice how scaled back it was, especially in terms of texture and some tiny little details and elements not looking quite as good

MH4U however is built from scratch to take advantage of the 3DS specifications, and pushes its limits by engulfing the RAM that would otherwise be reserved for features of the system's OS like Miiverse, and while the game i capped at 30 FPS both in 2D and 3D mode it seems, it goes above that, even in 3D mode, during the cutscenes where you see big monsters appear, or so it seemed to me anyway. It looks really nice!

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:

MH4U however is built from scratch to take advantage of the 3DS specifications, and pushes its limits by engulfing the RAM that would otherwise be reserved for features of the system's OS like Miiverse, and while the game i capped at 30 FPS both in 2D and 3D mode it seems, it goes above that, even in 3D mode, during the cutscenes where you see big monsters appear, or so it seemed to me anyway. It looks really nice!

It will be amazing to see what new features they pack into this game! I am so excited about it!!!!!!! Also it may be capped at 30 fps but I seriously doubt it will ever fall below it, meaning silky smooth progression.

Also the mention of having more hub towns to adventure rather than a single small hub sounds great.

( Edited 27.01.2015 11:56 by Sandy Wilson )

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