Pac-Man Pair is Near Unbeatable in Smash Bros.

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.01.2015 5

Pac-Man Pair is Near Unbeatable in Smash Bros. on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A two vs two strategy using a pair of Pac-Man characters in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U has proven tricky to beat.

In For Glory matches, which remove items from battle, one broken approach has lead to pairs of Pac-Man characters dominating the scene, racking up points by keeping outside the battle area.

By using the trampoline move, the pair can evade being hit by the other two challengers, letting the time tick comfortably to zero. Once in "Sudden Death," the cheeky Pac-Man players can even avoid being blown away by the raining bombs.

All in all, it's an almost guaranteed win by the looks of things - unless players can stop the Pac-Man characters in their meddling ways.


Cheating or fair play, what do you think?

Box art for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

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Its funny but not fair in the slightest. They should make it so that pac man cant summon another after 3 bounces no matter who's trampoline.
When something that is unintended makes the game not fun for half the players then it needs to be treated as a glitch and fixed.

( Edited 04.01.2015 14:15 by Viendra )

As funny as it may be, I have to agree with you Viendra: It is only funny for a short time, when it becomes overused, and when other players cannot play a friendly battle online, then something had to be done about it.
This should be fixed straight away, for there will come a time when the vast majority of the online community will be using Pacman, which will only ruin the thrill of the game.

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As I saw mentioned somewhere else though, it's totally possible to force them into easy KOs with projectiles, and it's fairly easy to do so with a few characters in particular. Perhaps trickier with others to pull off but also achievable with practice.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3, I totally agree: A major flaw with this "technique" is the matter of fact that those using it are confined to a small part of the stage -with projectiles, it is a given that everybody else will be just firing upwards, at them. At which point, such an objective is not going to be a good idea. To beat this combination is in no way impossible, rather, hard and most annoying to be up against.
I should also add that this combination of two Pacman players only works if neither of the two has been KOed. As we can see from the video, neither two can attack, nor KO an opponent. Therefore, as soon as one had been KOed, such a combination has to be abandoned in order to prevent a loss.

The only character that could disturb them would be Ness' B-Up move (Peee-Kaaa-Samus!) just wait until they are at a high percentage and then bring them down!

I guess Kirby or Jigglypuff could get up there too! 

What at a cheap victory though...sheesh kids these days!

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