Nintendo Boss Satoru Iwata on the Impact of the Internet

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.12.2014 6

Nintendo Boss Satoru Iwata on the Impact of the Internet on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata also spoke about how the internet has impacted video games and the industry in recent years.

In an interview with Japanese website 4Gamer, Iwata discussed how the internet is better at "spreading information for us than, say, TV is," for certain genres and demographics.

For example, we posted a Tweet [on the NCL account] saying that we were remaking The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and we had over 16,000 retweets within one day. Looking at those numbers, it's hard to feel that the market is becoming more segmented.

Iwata also discussed the common notion that "packaged software doesn't sell anymore," using recent 3DS million sellers as examples. "It's segmentation and over-concentration. This bipolarity is just a feature of the market in recent years. The mega hits get bigger, so to speak."

How else would you like to see Nintendo use the internet/online connectivity?

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I would like to see Nintendo making something like Tamodachi Life, but as an MMO in which one person has one character each and interact with each other and controls their character fully. Like an interactive virtual world! I could see Nintendo doing something great with that.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

I'm just disappointed that they are leaning towards digital over physical content. Sure it's cheaper on them and better for the environment, but nothing beats walking up to your local game retailer and picking up that new copy of a game you've waited months for. When i waited 2 years after reserving Twilight Princess it wouldn't have been the same if i had to wait another 20 minutes to download it. But meh, it takes all kinds.

Viendra said:
I'm just disappointed that they are leaning towards digital over physical content. Sure it's cheaper on them and better for the environment, but nothing beats walking up to your local game retailer and picking up that new copy of a game you've waited months for. When i waited 2 years after reserving Twilight Princess it wouldn't have been the same if i had to wait another 20 minutes to download it. But meh, it takes all kinds.

Strongly agree. Sadly it seems that people like us who want their physical copies are mostly in the "older" generation. The newer generation of gamers seem to never want to leave their houses, which is sad. Nothing beats going into GameStop or a similar store and grabbing what you want after looking around for a while and having some casual talking with the employees about the game and what games to come and maybe even toss in a preorder or two.

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

Viendra said:
I'm just disappointed that they are leaning towards digital over physical content. Sure it's cheaper on them and better for the environment, .

Not completely true. IGN found out earlier this year that in the UK its actually less environmental to Download games. The report is called The Carbon Footprint of Games Distribution.

There are glaring omissions in that report though, but its not perhaps as environmental as one would have you think.

However you are right, it is a cheaper method for the publishers!

I agree, there is nothing like buying a game and then reading the instruction manual on the way home (not that games actually have one anymore) and examining the box art inch by inch.

I have started falling into the trap of downloading some indie games but any game that i can buy physically then i try to do so!

In terms of Iwata's comments he must have the hard data there to proove us wrong. Millenials don;t know any different, they prefer to download things, but those who are older know the value of hoarding physical copies because in 20 years time and more they will be worth a good mint! If that means that my copy will be worth more because they produce less then so be it...but i dread the day that titles will be "Download only" because trust me...that day looms closer and closer... Smilie

Yeah, I enjoy getting the physical copy but some people just hate Gamestop too much

I feel that if they really want to push downloadable games they need to start dishing out mega cheap memory cards. Same goes for Sony with the Vita where the cards are still more than a pound a Gigabyte...

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

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