New Themes and Trailer for Mario Maker

By Az Elias 06.12.2014 7

New Themes and Trailer for Mario Maker on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

At the Game Awards in Las Vegas, Nintendo revealed a new trailer for Mario Maker, coming to Wii U eShop in 2015.

Super Mario Bros. creator Shigeru Miyamoto presented the trailer from Japan, in which new themes from Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World were revealed, plus new designs for levels including underwater gameplay.

Miyamoto expressed his hopes that Mario Maker could become its own series if it does well enough.

Image for New Themes and Trailer for Mario Maker
Image for New Themes and Trailer for Mario Maker
Box art for Super Mario Maker





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (3 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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SMW theme, perfect! Most likely gonna buy this now.

Looking very good! That SMB3 theme is going to be used by me alot as I loved the physics and powerups in that game

The difference between illusion and reality is vague to the one who suffers from the former and questionable for the one suffering form the later.

if they add a paper mario theme and the ability to mix n match themes, i can see myself spending way to much time with this

Shaping up well, hoping you can string together levels - at least! Some surprise themes, like a Legend of Zelda II or even, dare I say it, a Sonic the Hedgehog theme would be ace - hard to do - but ace.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Sonic? The hell you smokin', jb? You wish SEGA would make a Sonic level creator game. But then they'd probably be ashamed at how easily fans would create good Sonic games.

Just really, really pleased Nintendo is making this. After all those awesome ROM hacks in the past, didn't really think N would do this, even though I wished they would. The new themes really tip this over into me wanting to buy now, but the levels forced to being a bit short is my only concern, unlike in the hacks where people made regular-length levels that were incredible. But very happy about it overall.

Azuardo said:
Sonic? The hell you smokin', jb? You wish SEGA would make a Sonic level creator game. But then they'd probably be ashamed at how easily fans would create good Sonic games.

LOL! That's so true! I wish i had a Sonic Creator with themes from Master System era/Mega Drive era and Advance era. I don't think i'd need another Sonic game again! Likewise this makes me wonder how on earth they'd be able to sell 2D Mario games to us in the future? What else could they really do?

Hopefully it means that they will then concentrate on a proper 3D Mario while we are all playing Mario maker.

SMW and SMB3 themes have won me over! Looks fantastic! I can't wait for this!

I wish it was coming to 3DS instead though, i can't help but feel like it could easily be a cross-play game. Hopefully they will port it to the 3DS at one point!

I am much more interested now that the SNES styles are available! I really don't like NSMB style but the rest are really nice!

Could be a fun title!

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