Watch Dogs Now Available on Wii U in the US

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.11.2014 7

Watch Dogs Now Available on Wii U in the US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Watch_Dogs is now available across North America on Nintendo Wii U.

The game follows a computer hacker/vigilante called Aiden Pearce, who seeks his own sort of justice after his niece Lena is killed in a traffic accident. Using his smartphone, Pearce is able to tap into Chicago's operating system, allowing him to practically control the entire landscape, solve puzzles and provide a suitable getaway path.

The Wii U port brings an expanded setup to players, by using the GamePad to house an interactive map and also allowing players to free up the TV screen with off-TV support.

The game is out on 21st November in Europe, and 4th December in Japan.

Will you join Aiden in the debut Watch_Dogs adventure?

Box art for Watch Dogs

Ubisoft Bucharest







C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  n/a

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  5/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Had this preordered at one point. Would have owned it if it had come out the same time as the other versions. But since then more interesting stuff got announced (plus the mixed reviews) so I canceled my order. Too bad.

Personally, I don't think you're missing much.

Cool ! Heard were getting DLC too for WATCH DOGS..... just not the BAD BLOOD DLC.........Still suprising though......

Having enjoyed the PS4 version of this game I have to say the WiiU version looks like it should hold up quite well.

I think playing it purely on he gamepad would be fun.

I own all the consoles, ask me anything

Do you guys plan on reviewing this ? I enjoy open world games and it looks pretty fun.

Mike Clark said:
Do you guys plan on reviewing this ? I enjoy open world games and it looks pretty fun.
Unlikely given that Ubisoft isn't giving review copies of the Wii U game out as far as I know, and no one on our team is picking it up it seems.

You could always give my PS4 version review a read, but I don't rate it highly in the slightest:

Azuardo said:
Mike Clark said:
Do you guys plan on reviewing this ? I enjoy open world games and it looks pretty fun.
Unlikely given that Ubisoft isn't giving review copies of the Wii U game out as far as I know, and no one on our team is picking it up it seems.

You could always give my PS4 version review a read, but I don't rate it highly in the slightest:

Thanks for the link/warning lol. Gonna wait till there is a dry spell before revisiting this game.

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