Want Moon Chronicles on Nintendo Wii U?

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.11.2014 3

Want Moon Chronicles on Nintendo Wii U? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Renegade Kid is measuring interest into a potential crowdfunding campaign for Moon Chronicles Wii U.

The atmospheric first-person shooter has gotten remake treatment on the Nintendo 3DS; with spruced up visuals and an episodic format. The series has gotten a strong reception from fans so far, so the team are considering whether or not to bring the project to Nintendo's home console as well.

Such a move would require funding, however, so if there's interest be sure to take to Twitter to let Renegade Kid know that there's room for Moon Chronicles action in the living room.

Would you support a Kickstarter campaign for a Wii U version of Moon Chronicles?

Box art for Moon Chronicles

Renegade Kid


Renegade Kid


First Person Shooter



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I don't understand how people have got money to waste "kickstarting" games that will go on to make commercial profit and get nothing out of it...

Am I too tight fisted with my money or am I missing the point...

I agree with you especially in the case of games like MIGHTY NUMBER 9. Yea you guessed it im a slacker backer. I put up 50bucks to get the game on Wii U  with the extra possible dlc and the original mega man composure music sound track. I its weird yea im not going to be making any money on this. But it somthing about being a part of somthing revolutionary, cutting edge even, being a part of the future. Also by doing my part to Guarentee this video game from the Greatest game creator ever Kenji Inafune (MEGA MAN FATHER ) will come out for the world to experience and enjoy. Theres somthing about being on the ground floor to the next stage in history............. 

But even if you didn't they most likely would have made their target anyway...

Despite all that you said aren't you a little annoyed that you won't see any of the money they make off it? 

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