Dan Adelman Wanted Grim Fadango on Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.08.2014 9

Dan Adelman Wanted Grim Fadango on Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Dan Adelman recently revealed that during his time at Nintendo, he tried to bag Grim Fandango for Wii U.

Adelman, who previously took charge on Nintendo's indie scene, once tried to get an HD remake of the fan-favourite Grim Fandango on Nintendo systems. "I was so jealous that PlayStation got that. Curse you, Adam Boyes," he recalled on Ask.fm this week.

Announced at E3 this year, the 1998 classic is being remastered for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita at some point.

Do you think that Grim Fandango should have landed on Wii U as well?

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Think he wanted it on Wii, having asked 7-8 years ago. Still, shame it couldn't happen back then, too.

Edit: silly me lol. The Wii wasn't HD. Seems a long time ago to ask for an HD remaster when they were so far from Wii U's release!

( Edited 10.08.2014 14:47 by Azuardo )

Can i ask, what's stopping it from being ported over later?

welshwuff said:
Can i ask, what's stopping it from being ported over later?
Seems to be a PS-console exclusive, if comments by Sony are anything to go by.

Bishop (guest) 10.08.2014#4

That's a shame. The touchpad would've worked well with a point-n-click game.

MAN! Capcom should have done an HD re-release of Zack & Wiki for Wii U! Oh, man... out of all the things that would work well on the GamePad touchscreen, why are people not bringing adventure games? 

Our member of the week

Bishop (guest) said:
That's a shame. The touchpad would've worked well with a point-n-click game.

Just like Escape from Monkey Island, Grim Fandango wasn't much of a point n' click game so much as it was an adventure game with point n' click elements. You controlled the character directly and could only interact with stuff after you moved all the way towards it using arrow keys, so if the remake is keeping that aspect (and I don't know if it is), then a touch panel isn't going to help anything. Escape From Monkey Island had the exact same engine and type of gameplay and that got released on PS2 back in the day without any problem.

But having said that I still would want the game on a Nintendo platform as I never plan to get a PSVita or PS4 Smilie (says the guy who still can't finish all the games he has to finish off on Wii U XD)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Azuardo said:
welshwuff said:
Can i ask, what's stopping it from being ported over later?
Seems to be a PS-console exclusive, if comments by Sony are anything to go by.

So sony seems to have purchased exclusive rights for a console version of GF? Such a waste...I'm surprised sony still has money to throw around like this given the company is still several billion in debt.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

It's coming to PC and Mac, too (the best way to play it).

Our member of the week

Marzy said:
It's coming to PC and Mac, too (the best way to play it).

Think it's the way I'll go too, but will have to do something about my PC overheating too much before then Smilie. The game is just too good to pass on (and the old version hasn't aged too well, let's face it)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Marzy said:
It's coming to PC and Mac, too (the best way to play it).

Indeed, I still remember the first time I played this on my Windows 98 PC. Though I'd love to support Nintendo; it seems I'll be getting this for PC. Smilie

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

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