Miyamoto: There Needs to be a Nintendo Genre

By Jorge Ba-oh 30.06.2014

Miyamoto: There Needs to be a Nintendo Genre on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo designer Shigeru Miyamoto feels that the company's style of games need to sit within their own genre.

Speaking with the LA Times during E3 this month, Miyamoto feels that the Japanese gaming giant isn't "one simple element of an overall gaming industry" and he believes that there "needs to be a Nintendo genre, that's almost its own entity."

Nintendo certainly have a reputation for developing games and hardware within a specific style and look, particularly the likes of Super Mario Bros, Mario Kart, The Legend of Zelda and many more beloved franchises.

He believes "it's a lot easier for us to laugh at ourselves. It's almost as if we're performers. Our way of performing is by creating these fun, odd and goofy things."

Do you think Nintendo themselves should be a genre within gaming?

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