Miiverse Posts can now be Embedded into Web Pages

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.06.2014 4

Miiverse Posts can now be Embedded into Web Pages on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Miiverse has gotten another update today, across the different versions, including the ability to embed a Miiverse post.

The social network has gotten another upgrade today, including tweaks to the way "Yeahs" work across posts. Players will see a reduced amount of Yeahs in the activity feed, but full posts for each Yeah will now appear. There's also the option to stop these Yeahs from appearing in activity feeds altogether, by going into the Miiverse Settings.

As for the desktop/web version of Miiverse, the user pages have been updated to match the console editions, plus there's also the option to now embed a Miiverse post directly into a web page by copying the HTML code.

What other features would you like to see Nintendo incorporate into Miiverse?

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kilik (guest) 26.06.2014#1

I see no embedded post

kilik (guest) said:
I see no embedded post

If you access Miiverse from a web browser, at the bottom of posts on the right there is now text that says "Embed". Clicking on that will give you HTML code so you can embed posts on your website.

kilik (guest) 26.06.2014#3

^ No I mean the article said to see the below example of an embedded Miiverse post but nothing appeared there. Looks like that line has been removed though as it didn't work. Not a very good embedding function then...

Sorry about that - I copied it in, didn't quite show for me - the javascript was in there just fine, strange that!

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