Story of Seasons to Continue as Series

By Jorge Ba-oh 24.06.2014

Story of Seasons to Continue as Series on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Publisher Marvelous has spoken about the upcoming 3DS simulator Story of Seasons and the change in name.

The new installment is being crafted by the same development team as Harvest Moon, but will now be published by XSEED outside Japan. In an interview with Yoshifumi Hashimoto from Marvelous, he described the move to the new franchise name, despite drawing many elements from the Harvest Moon series so far.

The franchise is said to be continuing in North America, with the team considering not to tweak it for the US audience, but keep it as it were so that players "will experience exactly what the Japanese people are experiencing."

Hashimoto also confirmed that there will be some Nintendo-specific elements, including the ability to spawn Super Mushrooms and nab up the Super Star/Fire Flower. As expected, when growing those iconic mushrooms, they'll help crops grow even bigger.

Will you embark on a new farming adventure in Story of Seasons for 3DS?

Box art for Story of Seasons
Also known as

Harvest Moon 3D: Linking the New World









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