Miyamoto Teases Wii U and 3DS Cross-Platform Communication

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.06.2014 3

Miyamoto Teases Wii U and 3DS Cross-Platform Communication on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

In an interview with Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto and Shinya Takahashi, the pair talked about 3DS and Wii U communication.

With both devices having similar control schemes, touch-screens and the like, there certainly seems to be potential for software that links the two. Some of the titles that will have a link-up in place include the new Super Smash Bros. games; where players may "want to start playing on the 3DS first and build up your characters there, and then transfer that character data over to the Wii U and play with them there," said Takahashi.

Miyamoto also discussed the technology, noting how the the company have been thinking of it, and that "there's no real reason that we haven't done it yet." Some of the ideas included a feature where the 3DS could work with Wii Fit U, and also an idea where "if there's a Wii U at home and maybe the father or the kids have a 3DS, then we might think up a system where the Wii U would know that you were home before your dog did."

The pair then confirmed that there are projects in the works that weren't announced at E3 that involve "some sort of communication between the Wii U and 3DS", with Takahashi suggesting how "we are thinking about that with Mario and Donkey Kong."

How would you like to see the 3DS and Wii U hook up?

Box art for Wii Fit U








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Darkflame (guest) 20.06.2014#1

Well, at least there thinking about it, but honestly they are quite behind here.
The PS4 practically has the PSV as a second screen for many games - and thats with far less PSV sales.

Anyway some ideas;

1. The 3DS can count steps and gives you playcoins for it - this could easily be taken further with WiiFit integration.  
Easy to make a little game out of this;
Have an explorable island. You set your destination on the virtual map, then start walking in real life. Either at home with the wiimote, or out and about with the 3DS. It tracks how far you have walked in the virtual world as you walk in real life, sycning when you get home. At any time you can see where you are on the map (3ds), and maybe as you find scenic spots or secrets have a full 360 gyro controlled panorama to look about.  
I think this would be pretty popular as it gamifys "boring" exercise a bit more.

2. New  Zelda four swords. duh.

2. New  Zelda four swords. duh.

Definitely! Would be great to see, and possibly having a fifth player as an assist or even antagonist.

Nintendo have lots of potential with this, given the lack of needing link-cables to get it all to work, and the decent spec of the 3DS hardware. Would be great to see a cross-platform Pokémon adventure for sure.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Would be great to see a cross-platform Pokémon adventure for sure.

Don't toy with me! :p

Four Swords would be pretty cool though/

( Edited 21.06.2014 00:44 by Cheesing it up )

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