Wii Fit U (Wii U) Review

By Liam Cook 23.03.2014

Review for Wii Fit U on Wii U

The original Wii Fit and the expanded Wii Fit Plus have been money makers for Nintendo, so it seemed fit (no pun intended) that they would release a new instalment for their latest home console, the Wii U. Originally intended as a launch window release, Wii Fit U got hit by a delay and the release date was set back to November 2013, which paved the way for several different release options.

Wii Fit U started out as a free 31-day trial, which was available to everyone provided they already owned a Wii Balance Board and had the means to download the trial. Anytime during this trial, a Fit Meter could be synchronised with the console and this would lift the trial period completely, meaning that consumers would have access to the full version even after the trial expired.

Fast forward to March 2014 and Wii Fit U has been released in every region in a variety of flavours: a paid eShop version, boxed retail version containing the game along with the Fit Meter, and a package which contains the game, Fit Meter and the Wii Balance Board. Cubed3 checks out the latest instalment in Nintendo's popular fitness series, but what does it have to offer over previous instalments? Read on to find out!

Upon initial boot up, it may feel like the same game that was released on the Wii just a few years ago, only with a lick of HD paint, but this is merely scratching the surface of the most refined and fun entry to the series. Wii Fit U does contain a lot of the activities from its predecessors, so to players of those it may feel like an expansion pack of sorts, which is perfectly fine, as it is the new content that really stands out.

Firstly, there are 19 new activities included in Wii Fit U, some of which use the GamePad and Balance Board together in unique ways, which are only possible on the Wii U. Perhaps the strongest addition to these new activities is Hosedown - a fun little game in which players must place one foot on the Balance Board whilst holding the GamePad in front of them, and peering at the TV. The objective in Hosedown is to put pressure on the foot placed on the Balance Board and aim at the Mii characters on the screen, hosing them down with the water pressure. It is all a bit of mindless fun, and whilst it probably doesn't burn off as many calories as other activities on offer, it's a great example of what can be achieved when Nintendo's tablet controller and Balance Board are coupled together.

Screenshot for Wii Fit U on Wii U

A couple of other activities which make great use of the GamePad and Balance Board are Scuba Search and Dessert Course. In Scuba Search, the objective is to swim through a large area of water and collect various fish and treasures, whilst keeping an eye on the oxygen meter. To control the Mii character on-screen, players must walk on the spot to mimic the action of swimming, holding the GamePad in front of them and twisting their body to change the direction of the swimming Mii. There is also a short speed boost which can be pulled off by simply squatting in place.

In Dessert Course, it's more of the same "walk on the spot to move," but instead of holding the GamePad up as another viewing angle, players must hold it flat so the screen is pointing upwards. In this particular activity, the player's Mii is kitted out in a snazzy waiter's (or waitress') outfit, and the GamePad is used as a serving tray. In order to score points, players must balance different desserts on the tray, whilst delivering them to patient customers who are casually standing around. Although it may seem simple, the desserts get harder to balance, and players will also have to dodge the other waiters and customers in order to keep the dessert in one piece.

Many of the new and returning activities also have various difficulties, which often change several factors of the game, such as the amount of time the player has, or the number of obstacles which get in their way.

Screenshot for Wii Fit U on Wii U

As well as there being a whole range of balance and aerobic activities, Wii Fit U also throws a new category into the mix: Dance. The activities found here are pretty odd, as they require the use of both the Balance Board and two Wii Remote Plus controllers. Yes, two!

For players who are lucky enough to possess the correct equipment to play these activities, it is somewhat fun learning how to dance in particular styles, such as Jazz, Hip Hop, and Flamenco, but this is probably the weakest addition to Wii Fit U's roster.

Although the GamePad only truly comes into play with some of the new activities, there is also the ability to play the majority of the remaining activities and exercises purely on the GamePad's screen. Don't have enough space to perform press-ups where the TV is situated? Can't get access to the TV to do a quick body test? Never fear, because using the GamePad as the primary display definitely comes in handy here!

Screenshot for Wii Fit U on Wii U

Wii Fit has never really been an alternative to everyday exercise, and this latest entry is no different, but with the introduction of the Fit Meter, it further proves that Nintendo's objective is to create a fun experience which can be used to accompany regular exercise. The Fit Meter can measure several aspects in everyday life, including the number of steps taken, number of kilocalories burnt, and the altitude.

This data can then be transferred over to the game and will be used in many ways. The calories burnt will be added to the FitPiggy, whilst the number of steps taken and altitude will allow players to participate in a fun little activity known as the Fit Meter Challenge.

Fit Meter Challenge pits players against one another as they use data received to climb and tour various landmarks. Whilst this activity is fairly simple and limited, it's quite nice to see the amount of effort put in each day, and completing these tours will also unlock several outfits that the player's Mii can be kitted out in.

To increase the social aspect, Wii Fit U also introduces the communities feature, which first made its appearance in Mario Kart 7. However, in this case, Gym Communities can only be used to compare high scores with other players who are part of the community, and also post in a private Miiverse community, only viewable by members of that gym.

Screenshot for Wii Fit U on Wii U

Cubed3 Rating

Rated 8 out of 10

Great - Silver Award

Rated 8 out of 10

Although it doesn't serve as a replacement for regular exercise, Wii Fit U is probably the best game in its genre, and with the existence of the Fit Meter, is a great way to keep track of and accompany daily activities. There are all sorts of activities included in this package, meaning that there is something for the whole family to enjoy, all whilst staying in shape! To those who are still using Wii Fit regularly, it is also possible to transfer data over to Wii Fit U, so maybe now is a great time to upgrade!









C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (1 Votes)

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