E3 2014 | Two Player Co-Operative Planned for Star Fox Wii U

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.06.2014 4

E3 2014 | Two Player Co-Operative Planned for Star Fox Wii U on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo are planning on incorporating two player co-operative play in the Star Fox game for Wii U.

Project lead Shigeru Miyamoto outlined the optional mode, where one player could control the craft's movement, whilst the other would use the GamePad to look around the surrounding area, acting as a gunner. "So they can just aim and shoot. They don't have to worry about flying," Miyamoto said. It would be a means of introducing newer players to the concept, and allowing veterans to easily adjust to the setup.

The approach also expands to cutscenes, where the GamePad could be used to navigate these sequences, where the TV would have the overall view, but the GamePad would allow players to "feel more like you're part of the event that's happening."

As for the single player, Miyamoto also demonstrated a "helicopter" level, where the TV would focus on this hovering craft, whilst the GamePad could control a robot on land at the same time.

What do you think of the GamePad ideas for Star Fox on Wii U?

Box art for Star Fox Zero

Arc System Works


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Im waiting to hear one word for nearly every game for wiiu. "online".

welshwuff said:
Im waiting to hear one word for nearly every game for wiiu. "online".

Definitely - all these games like NSMB, 3DS SMW etc need online, but Nintendo keep copping out with the whole "living room is best" argument.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

i feel the same. they need to embrace online co-op for their games. but then i remember that its free to play online. is that the reason they have not really been big on online co-op? i dunno


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