E3 2014 | Ubisoft Sitting Quietly on Finished Wii U Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.06.2014 3

E3 2014 | Ubisoft Sitting Quietly on Finished Wii U Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot was recently asked about the company's support for Nintendo Wii U.

Fans may have noticed that the once pro-active third-party publisher has gone rather quiet on Wii U, with a limited crop of games in the pipeline compared to at launch. Guillemot noted how there will still be a handful of confirmed projects out this year - Watch Dogs and the newly announced Just Dance 2015.

The studios also have games that are waiting in the wings for the Wii U to take off, before Ubisoft decide to release these projects.

We don't have a number. We need the sales to increase so it becomes more and more mass market then we will have the volume that will justify massive marketing and TV marketing.

Interestingly, Ubisoft "have a game that has been done for six months", just waiting for "more families to have the console," Guillemot revealed. These games "could come out on another format" as well, he noted.

Should Ubisoft take a risk and release these projects on Wii U now?

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Interestingly, Ubisoft "have a game that has been done for six months", just waiting for "more families to have the console," Guillemot revealed.

That's great to hear, but also puzzling. If people are hesitant to buy the system because of lack of games, holding back games isn't going to help.

darkflame (guest) 10.06.2014#2

This is an example of why games development is messed up these days, so much is about marketing.
I get why you dont want to invest in marketing right now....but why not release it anyway? Why not have a separate marketing push latter? Why not a digital only release and a retail later?

The "all of nothing" attitude - the "we have to sale millions or nothing" is just weird.

I wonder how many units is enough. While PS4 may have the worldwide sales lead, Wii U still has a couple million more units out there than Xbox One (and 

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