Zelda's Temple of Time Recreated in Unreal Engine 4

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.05.2014 3


3D animator Michael Eurek has put together a recreation of a scene from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

Taking the interior of "The Temple of Time" from the Nintendo 64 classic as a base, Eurek crafted a realistic re-imagining for the home of the Master Sword using Unreal Engine 4. It took the artist several months plus extensive use of Maya, Z-brush and Photoshop for a friend who challenged him to "recreate an environment from an old game I like using modern techniques."

View the full HD video on Vimeo


Temple of Time from Michael Eurek on Vimeo.

Would you like to see The Legend of Zelda in an HD setting?

Box art for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time





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I understand this is probably really amazing from a technical sense, but I don't feel it looks very nice. The Zelda Tech demo from E3 2012 looked much nicer, in my opinion. There's something about this that just looks too real, it hasn't got any art style as such and in some places it looks off.

I never want to get to a point in videogames where it's photo realistic, because then it'd just look weird.

I agree with Marzy here. It's quite impressive coming from a single guy but I don't see how some people can say "Will the new Zelda look this good?" when the tech demo we've seen from Nintendo themselves looked far more appealing. If anything, we should be wondering how close to the tech demo the new Zelda will actually look like. Luckily, it's only about a month until that question should be answered...

( Edited 07.05.2014 12:19 by SirLink )

I also totally agree with Marzy and it makes me glad that Nintendo games run on an in-house developed engine. Whilst Unreal Engine 4 and the likes are great from a technical standpoint, something seems off about them to me. Too dull, bland and not enough colour/character, in my opinion.

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