Mario Kart: Double Dash Dual Karts Could Return

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.04.2014 3

Mario Kart: Double Dash Dual Karts Could Return on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

During a GDC roundtable, Mario Kart 8 producer Hideki Konno discussed the dual racer karts from Mario Kart: Double Dash.

The idea, which involved two racers per vehicle, has only been used in Double Dash so far, being scrapped in favour of the more traditional solo affair in more recent titles. Konno does feel that it's an idea that "was really unique" and "worked really well", but requires a new idea that would work in tandem with two racers per kart.

If the team do find concepts that fit the multi-racer mechanic, "we will definitely grab that and possibly bring it back out", Konno said.

He also described the technical demands for having two racers together, also teasing that "if we could come up with some ways around that processing cost, we may have two players, maybe even three players, racing together. If we could come up with some cool ideas, we'll definitely use them."

Do you think Mario Kart could return to the dual-racer setup from Double Dash?

Box art for Mario Kart: Double Dash!!








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MKDD has to be my favourite MK title to date, and it was its uniqueness that was responsible, so I would like to see it return, however, I prefer 12 kart racing as it introduces more competition to each race as opposed to the standard 8, and what is more I find that being a new game, MK8 must offer a new experience, not a repeat of older titles therefore come up with new ideas, which has plenty of already. But if it were to return I would like it to be an optional setting.

Since Mario Kart 8 is sort of a celebration of the series - with the best gameplay features of previous Mario Kart games coming together - I can't understand how/why they aren't making sure Mario Kart: Double Dash!!'s epic two-characters-per-kart gameplay is included. Smilie

MKDD is easily one of the best entries in the series because of it. Likewise, why in the world would it need an accompanying gameplay mechanic to justify it's inclusion in Mario Kart 8? It needs to be in Mario Kart 8 simply because it was so damn awesome. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

All they need to do is to add a "Double Dash" mode in MK8 and voila!

My main problem with Mario Kart games is the lack of variety in modes. MKDS was a lil better in that it had the cool missions so I don't know why we've not seen anything like that since. :/ Grand Prix, Time Trials and Battles every single time is getting old now.

That said, this will still be a day 1 purchase for me. Smilie

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