Watch Dogs Delayed on Nintendo Wii U, Ubisoft Confirms

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.02.2014 5

Watch Dogs Delayed on Nintendo Wii U, Ubisoft Confirms on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft have confirmed a release period for the much anticipated open-world action game, Watch Dogs with a delay for the Wii U version.

The new IP, which follows the tale of a city-wide hacker known as Aiden Pearce, has been a firm favourite amongst Cubed3 readers since its debut. Originally planned for a 2013 release, the game was shifted into the forthcoming fiscal year, with development for multiple platforms including Nintendo Wii U.

Whilst confirming a release date between April and June today, Ubisoft brought the unfortunate news that the Wii U version has been delayed, with the other versions on track.

CEO Yves Guillemot noted that the reason for the move was to "focus the team's resources where they could have the broadest possible benefit for both our customers and Ubisoft".

Are you planning on grabbing hold of Watch Dogs for Wii U or another platform?

Box art for Watch Dogs

Ubisoft Bucharest







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Delayed > Canceled in no time.


Real, real shame it's come to this - was really eager to play this one, especially with the GamePad.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

why not delay the release of the other platforms and release them all together. correct me if im wrong but didnt they do that for rayman legends?

sniffs of cancelation

This sort of delay is kinda scary, because it almost feels like a "we'll allocate resources to Wii U later" situation, which can then easily turn to "we decided not to allocate resources at all."

But at least it hasn't been outright canceled yet. That's at least something.

Supa_hyped said:
why not delay the release of the other platforms and release them all together. correct me if im wrong but didnt they do that for rayman legends?

sniffs of cancelation

From Ubisoft's perspective, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to delay all major platform versions on account of a Wii U port that may only contribute marginally to the overall sales picture.

Rayman's situation may also be different considering it began its life as a Wii U exclusive.

Our member of the week

And then they'll complain that it didn't sell well enough on the platform (see Assasin's Creed III released long after the other versions)

Most people who will have wanted to play it real bad will just get it for cheaper on one of the other platforms, period.

( Edited 12.02.2014 20:11 by RudyC3 )

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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