Nintendo Denies Plans for Smartphone Mini-Games

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.01.2014 1

Nintendo Denies Plans for Smartphone Mini-Games on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have officially denied reports that the company will be announcing support for mini-games on smartphones.

Earlier this week a report from Nikkei suggested that the upcoming announcement from Nintendo will include support for demos or "mini-games" on smart devices like mobiles and tablets. However, a statement from Nintendo notes highlights how the comments in the Nikkei piece are simply related to "Nintendo's willingness to make use of smart devices to promote our products."

Mr. Iwata has also stated that Nintendo's intention is not to make Nintendo software available on smart devices and as such, we can confirm that there are no plans to offer mini-games on smartphone devices.

Nintendo are expected to detail plans for the future on 30th January.

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FYI, the statement was issue direct by Nintendo Japan not  Nintendo of America.

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