Bravely Second to Feature Improved Graphics

By Jorge Ba-oh 19.01.2014 4

Bravely Second to Feature Improved Graphics on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest edition of Japanese magazine Famitsu has highlighted a graphical upgrade for the next entry in the Bravely series.

Bravely Default series Producer Tomoya Asano and Akihiko Yoshida spoke about the upcoming sequel, Bravely Second, highlighting how the "battle system does not change" but there'll be an overhaul in the graphics.

"The resolution was too low when zooming in" in the first entry in the series, but in Bravely Second "the denser background and camera zoom in does not affect quality", confirmed Asano. He doesn't feel that the new game "falls apart" when the camera pans into the action, retaining clarity and detail.

What are your thoughts on the graphics in Bravely Default - do they need an upgrade?

Box art for Bravely Second: End Layer



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I wasn't that interested in Bravely Default previously... but after playing that demo, i can't wait to pick it up.

OK now this really makes me worry about their annual release for this series. Not only is it tough to think up GOOD stories (something Square-Penis has a hard time with ever since FF10) but it's also difficult to build on; let alone program NEW gaming engines...I see this good series going sour faaaaar too soon...& Nintendo being blamed for it somehow.

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

I too worry about a yearly sequal, but this is unlikely a new engine. Could be a very minor update to their existing one. (in ye-old-days multiresolution textures were called Mipmaps...nothing new).
Or they just do every high-res all the time now....even when its higher res then the screen needs....that way when you zoom in its still clear. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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One thing i'd wish they'd improve is having the characters actually make contact with the enemies. Seriously its been in the FF series since VI.

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