Glass to the Wall Episode 40 - Mutant Mudds Deluxe, Doctor Lautrec & Legacy Interview with Simon Butler

By Adam Riley 09.01.2014

Image for Glass to the Wall Episode 40 - Mutant Mudds Deluxe, Doctor Lautrec & Legacy Interview with Simon Butler

What is in Glass to the Wall - Episode 40, though?

This week has Rudy taking the lead with a review of Mutant Mudds Deluxe on Steam (also PSN, Wii U eShop and 3DS eShop), Adam reviews Doctor Lautrec and the Forgotten Knights on 3DS, plus there is another legacy interview after the success of the Charles Cecil one a few weeks back, this time with developer/coder/artist Simon Butler, talking about the UK gaming scene and more - a thoroughly interesting, and amusing, chat with this great guy!

Join host Adam Riley, along with Rudy, for this week's new episode on Thursday 9th January, 2014 at 9pm GMT / 4pm EST.

Be sure to tune in for Glass to the Wall on Turquoise Radio!

Your feedback is essential to shaping future shows, so please do email in or just post in the comments below!

Image for Glass to the Wall Episode 40 - Mutant Mudds Deluxe, Doctor Lautrec & Legacy Interview with Simon Butler

Glass to the Wall focuses on all aspects of the gaming industry and is aired online each week. Yes, that's right! No longer limited to just being right here, listeners can tune into Turquoise Radio every Thursday at 9pm UK time / 4pm Eastern or just catch the repeat show on Saturdays 7am UK time / 2am Eastern.

How can readers tune in, though?

Jump onto the Google Play or AppStore and search for 'Turquoise Radio' then just download the app for free, or download directly from iTunes. Alternatively you can stream the broadcast live below or on the Turquoise Radio website or even find it under 'International' on the Windows Media website. The station aims to provide something for everyone and plays a wide variety of show styles. The full roster can be found on the official website.

Box art for Mutant Mudds Deluxe

Renegade Kid


Renegade Kid


2D Platformer



C3 Score

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