Download Yoshi's Island Zone DLC for Sonic Lost World Today

By Az Elias 18.12.2013 12

Download Yoshi

SEGA and Nintendo have once against teamed up to deliver exclusive new cross-over levels for Sonic Lost World on Wii U. From today, Sonic Lost World owners can download free download content of the new Yoshi's Island Zone from the Wii U eShop.

Featuring a level design straight out of Yoshi's Story, staples from the Yoshi games including Shy Guys and pipes merge with Sonic's world to create a very different kind of stage. Sonic must race through this level and locate eggs in order to save the Yoshis.

Nintendo teased that a level based on The Legend of Zelda franchise will also be arriving early next year.


Yoshi's Island Zone DLC for Sonic Lost World is free to download on the Wii U eShop now.

Box art for Sonic Lost World

Sonic Team




3D Platformer



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Rated $score out of 10  7/10 (4 Votes)

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Is this free just for today ?


Will definitely be downloading this later today. Can't wait for the Zelda stage too!

Darkflame (guest) 18.12.2013#3

My 7 year old head just exploded.

Our member of the week

Gotta say this came as a nice surprise from the Nintendo Direct! I don't own the game and won't buy it just for this, but seeing Sonic inside Nintendo inspired levels sure got me thinking back to those days when literally no one, and certainly not myself, would have imagined this. Gotta say though, the stage shown looks more like Yoshi's Story than Yoshi's Island inspired but... I'm just nitpicking Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I just gave several totally shameless & geeky school girl squeals when I watched this!!!.....did I mention I was not ashamed to do that cause this is awesome!!

It is not wise to speak on subjects you do not know all facts about, nor is it smart to judge a game based on looks alone. PSN: Nintendo_Gamer 3DS: 4296-3029-7422

RudyC3 said:
Gotta say though, the stage shown looks more like Yoshi's Story than Yoshi's Island inspired but...

The assets are most likely from the upcoming Yarn Yoshi​ game. All the backgrounds and scenery is stitched together.

Sonic_13 said:
RudyC3 said:
Gotta say though, the stage shown looks more like Yoshi's Story than Yoshi's Island inspired but...

The assets are most likely from the upcoming Yarn Yoshi​ game. All the backgrounds and scenery is stitched together.

Yeah, I also thought this exact same thing.

Our member of the week

Mush said:
Sonic_13 said:
RudyC3 said:
Gotta say though, the stage shown looks more like Yoshi's Story than Yoshi's Island inspired but...

The assets are most likely from the upcoming Yarn Yoshi​ game. All the backgrounds and scenery is stitched together.

Yeah, I also thought this exact same thing.

Which was also the case in Yoshi's Story long before Smilie.


Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

RudyC3 said:
Mush said:
Sonic_13 said:
RudyC3 said:
Gotta say though, the stage shown looks more like Yoshi's Story than Yoshi's Island inspired but...

The assets are most likely from the upcoming Yarn Yoshi​ game. All the backgrounds and scenery is stitched together.

Yeah, I also thought this exact same thing.

Which was also the case in Yoshi's Story long before Smilie.


Just goes to show how long it's been since I last played Yoshi's Story. xD

It's been ages since I play YS - back in the days where there were video rental stores (lol in the UK Blockbuster is practically non-existent now) - and we rented out the N64 and Yoshi's Story. Good times!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Our member of the week

My mom used to LOVE Yoshi Story Smilie. But she'd ruin my analog stick though, so I ended refusing to let her play with my controllers Smilie.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

My guess is that they just treat the style of Yoshi's Story synonymously with the term 'Yoshi's Island' these days. It is odd having a level that's clearly right out of Yoshi's Story but with actual Yoshi's Island SNES music, but I guess it wouldn't have sounded as good to have the stage be called "Yoshi's Story Zone."

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