New Indie Project Block Drop U Uses the Nintendo Web Framework

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.12.2013 2

New Indie Project Block Drop U Uses the Nintendo Web Framework on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Developer Michael Aschenbrenner has pieced together a new indie title using the Nintendo Web Framework, Block Drop U.

The game, for the Nintendo Wii U eShop, is pitched as a physics-based puzzler where players simply guide a red block from a-top a stack of blocks toward the bottom of the screen. A simple sounding concept but one that requires a fair bit of thought! According to NintendoLife, there'll be 15 levels for $1.99 with additional content offered for free.

Aschenbrenner also highlighted how he's also piecing together other projects for the system.


What are your thoughts on the Blok Drop U concept?

Box art for Blok Drop U








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My first thought was: it's like those later levels in World of Goo!
So far I think the trailer doesn't really make it look too interesting... I hope it will look better when we see more.

The concept isn't really brought to the viewer, here. I think I may get it with careful thought, but there are questions: will the block bedestroyed when falling on the ground? If so how high can he fall not to be?
How does the player play this game, that would be interesting to see.

But I think it looks interesting - IF it works as I think it may.

The designer's name sounds German, we Germans have a tendency to make games complicated or lack explaining them. Give him a chance, Germans don't bite.


I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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