Vote | Best Story in a 2013 Game - Wii U and 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 11.12.2013 10

Image for Vote | Best Story in a 2013 Game - Wii U and 3DS

It's time to pick your favourite 2013 Wii U or 3DS game that told the best story overall. From Pokémon to Zelda, the choice is yours! As well as weaving new worlds through graphics and sound, games also forge timeless and memorable storylines, with games released in 2013 being no exception.

From the chirpy, slightly dark plot of Pokémon X and Pokémon Y to the epic, grandiose tale told in Fire Emblem: Awakening, the hilarious storytelling in LEGO City Undercover to the boundless tale in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, there are many brilliant adventures this year alone.
It's time to tell your story - which of these 2013 games do you feel told the best and most memorable story overall? Pick a title in the poll and be sure to share your thoughts below:

Image for Vote | Best Story in a 2013 Game - Wii U and 3DS

Voting ends 13th December 2013

Voting for this poll has now closed.

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Let's make Pokemon X and Y poll victors once again, best Nintendo games of 2013!

Guest (guest) 11.12.2013#2

Pokemon will only win because most of its fanbase hasn't played any of the other games.
X and Y story was shit compared to the last two gens. Hell its still pretty bad in general.

Alanta (guest) 11.12.2013#3

Fire Emblem, all the way! This amazing series deserves more love.

d (guest) 11.12.2013#4

Guest (guest) said:
Pokemon will only win because most of its fanbase hasn't played any of the other games.
X and Y story was shit compared to the last two gens. Hell its still pretty bad in general.

Are you retarded? It's the best game out of all of them and majority of it's fanbase are pre gen 6 fans. But they know that it's better.

Sheesh these C3 awards are pointless when its just spammed by Pokemon fans...

alena (guest) 12.12.2013#6

I loved pokemon since heartgold and soulsilver!!!!!!!

Silver (guest) 12.12.2013#7

Why can't I vote for SMT IV?  Its story was so much more compelling than SMT: Devil Survivor.  In its absence, I might vote for Pokemon...except I had too many issues with the way that story was told.

This is madness. In what world does a Pokemon game win a story award?

Jacob4000 said:
This is madness. In what world does a Pokemon game win a story award?


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

d (guest) said:
Guest (guest) said:
Pokemon will only win because most of its fanbase hasn't played any of the other games.
X and Y story was shit compared to the last two gens. Hell its still pretty bad in general.

Are you retarded? It's the best game out of all of them and majority of it's fanbase are pre gen 6 fans. But they know that it's better.

But the story was fucking awful, the characters were fucking awful. Platinum and Black & White had such awesome story and even moving character arcs. Shana is a dumbed down Bel; Aliana, Bryony, Celosia, Mable and Xerosic are only dumbed down Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Charon; AZ was underused and the game would go unchanged if you completely removed him and his forced baw-story. The post game with Looker and Emma is 294820948028401 better than the entire game. The only thing salvageable thing in this mess were Lysandre and Sycamore and they were underused and unexplored. I got more moved out of the old man in Anistar city than of the entire thing.
It's like they were so entertained making ultimately pointless features like Sky Battles and mounts that they forgot they were supposed to write something and did it the last month.

Once the hype dies down and people notice that there is not post-game dungeon and overall almost nothing to do once you finish the game I can predict people will start saying that these are some of the worst entries since Diamond & Pearl.

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