Vote | Best Music Soundtrack in a 2013 Game - Wii U and 3DS

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.12.2013 5

Image for Vote | Best Music Soundtrack in a 2013 Game - Wii U and 3DS

Pop on those headphones, pump up the stereo and vote for your favourite music soundtrack in a 2013 game in the latest Cubed3 Awards poll.

The second of this year's Cubed3 Awards polls is for Best Music in a 2013 Video Game. A game wouldn't be half as good without a delicious soundtrack to accompany the visuals designs and gameplay scenes, so this award celebrates the majesty of fifteen different and well deserved soundtracks.
From the sublime, jungle tones of Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D to the orchestral, anthems of Fire Emblem: Awakening, the sensational Big Band feel of Super Mario 3D World to the nostalgic Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, headphones and speakers have been roaring with fantastic compositions this year.
It's time to have your say - which of these 2013 games has the best soundtrack overall in your opinion? Pick a title in the poll and be sure to share your thoughts below:


Voting ends 10th December 2013

VOTING HAS NOW CLOSED. Click here to vote for best story in a 2013 game.

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Layton all the way!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Adam Riley said:
Layton all the way!

You and your Layton! Tis all about the Mazza this time round, imo!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
loveallofthem (guest) 08.12.2013#3

I choose fire emblem but I also like layton and bravely default

I would love to vote Wind Waker, but since that's not a new game, I had to vote for Pokemon X and Y. Some beautiful tracks on there.

Let's consider the fact that Pokemon X and Y have an album on iTunes unlike all the other games. Obviously this means the other games don't have as good music in them.
24 hours later... Yeah, the silence comfirms I'm right.

( Edited 10.12.2013 20:50 by georg3 )

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