Nintendo Resolves Wii Fit U Crashing Error by Deleting Mii Characters

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.11.2013 4

Nintendo Resolves Wii Fit U Crashing Error by Deleting Mii Characters on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have a solution for those who may have experienced Wii U crashes after transferring Wii Fit data.

The new game, Wii Fit U, supports the ability to transfer across existing exercise data from the original Wii Fit or follow-up, Wii Fit Plus. According to Nintendo of Australia, the error may occur in the following situations:

  • Two or more sets of user data were created in Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus and the data created earlier was deleted.
  • A Mii character used in Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus is registered in the Wii U Mii Maker.
  • The data from Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus is transferred to the Wii U.
In order to fix it all and resume the ab-crunching, Nintendo are suggesting that any Mii characters in the Wii U Mii Maker used in Wii Fit Plus or Wii Fit will have to be deleted, then the data transferred again. The deleted Mii will then have to be re-registered in other software too.

Have you experienced any issues with Wii Fit U?

Box art for Wii Fit U








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I think I'll just start fresh with WiiFit U. Not been on WiiFit in over a year so not bothered about carrying the data over.

I wonder why there still aren't any interviews of the game. They didn't send review copies to websites?

Also, I want to know how the Fit Meter registers being on a bike. I'm afraid it might confuse it for a car, so it won't register any physical activity. I'm getting my meter tomorrow, so I guess I can test it.

Canyarion said:
I wonder why there still aren't any interviews of the game. They didn't send review copies to websites?

Also, I want to know how the Fit Meter registers being on a bike. I'm afraid it might confuse it for a car, so it won't register any physical activity. I'm getting my meter tomorrow, so I guess I can test it.

That's a good question. My guess is that it will know the difference as your leges and body are activitly moving while on the bike as opposed to a car where you're almost sitting still.

rYAN (guest) 07.11.2013#4

I haven't had any problems yet...

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