Wii Fit U Free Trial, Miiverse Gym and More Revealed

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.09.2013 3

Wii Fit U Free Trial, Miiverse Gym and More Revealed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo have outlined plans for the launch of Wii Fit U, with a free trial available and the Wii Fit Meter.

The new Wii Fit Meter accessory measures a wide range of attributes including calories burned, steps taken, target calories, time, temperature, MET and elevation difference.

To start players off on an HD exercise journey, Wii Fit U will be available as a free download between 1st November 2013 and 31st January 2014 - when activated, the game will be available to try for a free 31 day trial period. To unlock the rest of the game, players can purchase a Wii Fit Meter from stores.

Image for Wii Fit U Free Trial, Miiverse Gym and More Revealed
Image for Wii Fit U Free Trial, Miiverse Gym and More Revealed

If you don't wish to purchase one, the normal download version of the game will be available  from 1st February 2014.

There'll also be a packaged version on 6th December, which will be available in two bundles - the game and Wii Fit Meter, and another that includes the Balance Board.

Wii Fit U contains 77 different activities, 19 new training activities with some taking advantage of the GamePad controller. There'll be new dance routines like hip-hop, locking, salsa, together with custom workouts.

Those wanting to take the exercise further can also join a Miiverse Gym Community to share tips with other players, or even create a closed community to share results with selected friends.

The Wii Fit U Nintendo Direct presentation can be viewed below.



Will you step back onto the Wii Balance Board on Wii U?

Box art for Wii Fit U








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Haha, loved that opening! Will definately be picking up a WiiFit Metre on release.

If there's one thing I loved with WiiFit was the music. So relaxing. Smilie

darkflame (guest) 18.09.2013#2

Really cant think of many, if any, Wii fit activitys where you would want to use the GamePad. I mean...its not exactly holdable when running/walking/posing is it?
You could put it down somewhere I guess....just using it as a tv.  

Still, in this case I think the Wiimote and balance board are going to be 99% of use.

Prior to today I wasn't sure if I was going to get it or not. I like WIi Fit, but wasn't sure about upgrading for Wii U (though the idea of being able to use the Game Pad as the TV and also be able to watch a show on the actual TV while I exercised was very appealing).

However, with today's announcement of the special promo deal ($20 for Activity Meter + free game) I am definitely getting Wii Fit U now!

Also, I generally want the boxed versions of games. However, Wii Fit U is a perfect game to have a digital copy of. When used, I'll want to start it up quickly without having to swap discs.

( Edited 19.09.2013 08:25 by Sonic_13 )

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