Nintendo Bytes | Episode 1 - Earthworm Jim, Shadow of the Eternals, Call of Duty

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.07.2013 5

Nintendo Bytes | Episode 1 - Earthworm Jim, Shadow of the Eternals, Call of Duty on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The first episode of Nintendo Bytes looks at this week's key headlines in the world of Wii U and 3DS.

Our latest video series will be exploring the biggest Nintendo news in a recap format. This week headlines include the worrying fate of Earthworm Jim, confirmation that Rodea the Sky Soldier is still in development plus updates on Super Smash Bros.

For more videos be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel.


For the full rundown of our news and updates, visit our Nintendo Wii U and 3DS Archives.

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Sorry, but that busty lady as the 'picture' of the video is so childish. It's not representative of the video and it doesn't suit the all-ages-audience of Nintendo and Cubed3.

Btw it would be so much better if you had a better microphone. My gaming headset has a very good mic and it only cost me €20 or so...

Canyarion said:
Sorry, but that busty lady as the 'picture' of the video is so childish. It's not representative of the video and it doesn't suit the all-ages-audience of Nintendo and Cubed3.

Btw it would be so much better if you had a better microphone. My gaming headset has a very good mic and it only cost me €20 or so...

That's Morrigan from Darkstalkers, who also happens to be in Project X Zone, a review of this game features in the video. Therefore it is representative of this video. Smilie

( Edited 29.07.2013 04:56 by Mush )

Ya I'll try to tweak my microphone levels - was using a Turtle Beach, and Morrigan is from Project X Zone so fair play I think. Using her as the only image would have been childish yes, but she is in the game so didn't think it would be that much a problem.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
Ya I'll try to tweak my microphone levels - was using a Turtle Beach, and Morrigan is from Project X Zone so fair play I think. Using her as the only image would have been childish yes, but she is in the game so didn't think it would be that much a problem.
Turtle Beach X12, right?  Same as me. I thought it sounded fine, but maybe with the next episode, increase the volume of the vocals so that they are easily heard over the background music.

It's not like you just used a pair of boobs as the thumbnail, to get views. She is in the game, which has a review featured in the video, so it shouldn't be seen as a problem. The game is rated 12 and I'm pretty sure children are subject to much worse content than this nowadays. Since when did breasts become such a bad thing? It's not as if Jorge used a nude picture of Morrigan. You can't actually see anything.

Anyways, that's my rant over.

I don't say it's wrong, I think it's cheap. You never even saw that picture of her in the video. So horney teenagers were disappointed and loving fathers needlessly skipped the video.

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