Earthbound Tops Virtual Console Charts in Europe, Ranks High in the US

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Well deserved, even beating out the 30p Donkey Kong.

Nintendo, see what happens when you don't let people play a game that everyone wants to play? Imagine what'd happen if you localised Mother 3..

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Yep! Downloaded it myself! Even though I technically already own it on GBA... but it's so much more comfortable to be able to play it in English "legally" without having to pay ridiculous prices for an original cart... Can't urge enough every RPG fan to give this a download

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

Yeah I seriously recommend it to anyone who's ever liked RPGs, I'm a first time player myself and it's an absolutely amazing game. Uncannily written and designed especially considering the era it's from.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Not an RPG person but i got this because i understand the significants of its importants finally getting a EU release and i have to say i happen to be enjoying the game too! Now just make 3DS and Wii U eshop unified and account based and release mother 3 to make it take off with a bang! Smilie

I've played it many times, but have never owned it myself (because of the price). I'm glad to now own it in some form! Playing through it never gets old! One of my favorite games of all time. 

Working like a fiend isn't very fun... and surprisingly isn't very fiendish either.

I downloaded this right away and I am loving it. I had never played it before and usually don't play RPGs.

Playing it actually reminds me of playing Pokemon Red (one of my favorite all-time games).

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Sonic_13 said:
Playing it actually reminds me of playing Pokemon Red (one of my favorite all-time games).

Yeah Pokémon games, especially the early ones, had a surreal kind of vibe to them that's not so dissimilar from Earthbound, indeed; Well come to think of it, they both came out at about the same time too (The N64 wasn't out yet in Japan when the first Pocket Monsters games came out, hence why the hero was stuck with a Super Famicom, haha)

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

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