European Date for Etrian Odyssey IV: 30 August

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.07.2013 1

European Date for Etrian Odyssey IV: 30 August on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Atlus have confirmed a release date for Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan for Europe.

Earlier this week publisher NIS confirmed that retro dungeon-crawler RPG will be available on 30th August 2013 in Europe. The latest chapter in the popular series is set in a city known as Tharsis, where a mysterious Yggdrasil tree acts as the protector and its roots expand beyond the city's boundaries. It's down to an Explorers Guild to uncover the tree's secrets.

Etrian Odyssey IV will be available as both a retail/cartridge version and a digital Nintendo eShop download. There'll also be a demo soon that includes two of the game's dungeons to conquer.

Javier rated Etrian Odyssey IV a Gold Award (9/10) in our review of the North American version, a must read.

If that's not enough, a European trailer for the upcoming game has been released:


Will you be tackling Etrian Odyssey IV on Nintendo 3DS next month?

Box art for Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan





Turn Based RPG



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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now    Also on Also on Nintendo eShop

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Great! If this sells well enough in Europe we might also get Etrian Odyssey Untold Smilie

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